when it began

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I hate it..
I hate looking at myself in the mirror and seeing a huge girl that is way to big to even purchase a crop top. Unfortunately that girl is me. Well so I think.
I was diagnosed with anorexia when I was just 13. Great way to start off my teens huh.
Stupid thing was it was only when someone told me i should stop eating so much at my birthday party I realised that I was fat. I shouldn't have cared what they thought about how much I ate but somehow I did. I really did. I tried everything. Sports, diets and ocassionally skipping meals. Nothing seemed to work.

Unfortunately my mum noticed and started to get...worried. She rang the school asking if I was getting bullied but she obviously got a no because I wasn't. In fact I loved school back then.

Mum one day sat me down and asked me why I wanted to loose weight. I simply shrugged my shoulders because I don't know. Its like asking why do you want to be pretty. There's no answer.
The only thing I could think of was because models are skinny. To be honest its stupid. Fat, skinny, small, tall, pretty and ugly are all labels which mean absolutely nothing but today we feel the need to copy celebs or copy popular people. I wish I realized how stupid labels like those were before I became anorexic.

red lips and cherry aidWhere stories live. Discover now