I don't need help

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Niall's POV

Great! One month left at school, then it will just be me, my bed and I! I got in my car and drive to school with the biggest smile on my face, knowing I won't have to get up early and do this pointless journey anymore is one of the best feelings ever! I got to school and walked in by myself just like I'd done for the past 5 years, I got to my class and headed straight the back table, sat down and block out the whole world. Little did I know this would all be changing within a matter of seconds! 

I heard my name being called but I wasn't taking it in. My headteacher walked in, pointed at me and simply said "My office, now!" That's it, I'm in for it, don't know what I've done but I dare say I've got the blame for something, easy target me! I got to my headteachers office and saw the girl that everyone knows but doesn't quite know if you get my drift. She's bloody clever though, not the best looking of people but hey that doesn't matter, not to me anyways. My headteacher started rambling on about my grades and how I wouldn't succeed in life with no GCSE's. I finally started to listen when he said something about me having a tutor come to my house or staying after school for extra help or something like that. I couldn't believe it, I mean I know my grades are bad but are they really that bad? 

I don't need help, my grades are fine! It's not like I'm planning on getting a job after I leave school anyways so why bother! If I haven't learnt it yet I'm defiantly not going to learn it in the next month just because I'll be being tutored by the A* student!  I don't need help!

I couldn't help but notice the girl sat in the corner with her head buried in books, I think she's in my class, her voice seems familiar. I'm pretty sure she's the girl who is always sticking her hand up to answer questions. I hate people like that, people who think they know it all. They've got to be kidding if they think I'm gonna let her come round my house and stay after school with her! My headteacher snaps his fingers in front of her face and points at me, she lifted her head up from her books and instantly smiled at me. Oh my she was beautiful, maybe spending time with her wouldn't be that bad after all. My headteacher introduced me to her and being the polite person I am I put out my hand for her to shake it, I didn't want to come across rude.

Our headteacher explained what would happen if my grades didn't improve, right now I'm scared! I never worried about grades before. I've always had the same dream since I was 5, I've never thought about doing anything else but I know what people think about me so trying to tell people what I want to do with my future is very nerve racking! Once he had finished talking he told us to go to the library to get to know each other a bit better before all the studying starts. Oh joy! She was nervous, I don't understand why. She started telling me about all the subjects she would be helping me with over the course of the following month which turned out to be every subject, great. "What's your name?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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