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Once upon a time, many years ago..

There lay a great stone castle castle in the centre of a thriving kingdom. Hidden by a forest of trees, this kingdom remained unknown to any passerby's and so the people remained safe. Or so they thought.

As deep within the castle evil lurked. A malicious presence was sensed where purity was born.

On the far edge of the castle, a balcony jutted out from a spacious room decorated in soft pinks and violets. Within the drapes of cloth lay a single baby in the centre of the room.

A small bell tinkled from a small teddy bear hidden within the baby's hands. Her clenched fingers appeared white from the force of strength but it would not deter the shadowed silhouette circling the crib.

Wrinkled, knobbly fingers hovered over the innocent baby cradled in the soft sheets of her crib. Sensing an unknown threat of danger in her newly formed brain, the baby began to shriek and wail at a volume no baby should be able to produce, it's oceanic blue eyes overflowing with tears. Still, the skeletal fingers continued their journey over the smooth, delicate surface of the baby's skin.

Murmuring softly in an unknown language, the hunched figure glided around the small wooden cage, continuing it's descent over the small bundle shaking with the amount of stress put on it's vocal cords. Always hovering, but never quite touching.

Losing concentration slightly from the thudding footsteps that thundered over the creaking wooden floorboards outside, the calloused fingers brushed over the sensitive skin, and immediately pulled back with a hiss.

With a fervour of haste, the witch began to chant more urgently, it's voice rising with every word. It's thin lips wrinkled and cracked from many years, trembled in haste as a violent hammering began on the wooden door.

The long pointed tips of it's nails, coloured a darkened shade of red carefully broke the barrier of skin along it's wrist and blood the shade of the midnight sky welled up. Wailing in innocent fright, the baby choked on the flow of blood that poured down from it's wrist. Gurgling with an increasing amount of alarm, the baby kicked it's legs and waived it's arm to and fro, fighting an invisible invader.

All at once, silence once upon them. No longer could there be heard a malevolent chanting or a high-pitched screaming. All that was left was the the thunderous hits from kicks and punches towards the old wooden door that held them back. A few seconds later, there was a loud bang that resulted from the door being kicked down by the heavily armoured guards.

But it was too late. As soon as the heavy oak door hit the floor, there was nothing to be seen except for the swirling ends of a black cloak at the edge of the balcony and the echoes of a ghostly cackle.

For a split second, all movement ceased in shock and horror of the empty wooden crib, but a heartbreaking scream filled the air as a mother just lost her only child. Tears ran down her face as she fell to the ground bashing her fists against the cool stone floor. Her husband, enraged from the kidnapping of his daughter, vowed to avenge her loss as he wrapped his arms around his wife, murmuring soothing sounds.

Hysterical, the woman pulled free from her husband and began to throw all the toys and gifts that had been specially made just for her daughter, but stopped abruptly when she got to the small teddy bear lying on the floor. It was her baby's favourite, the one toy she would never let go.

It lied there, alone and innocent, and for a few minutes the mother just stood there and stared. Then she slowly bent to pick it up, reminiscing about the times her baby would sit there for hours and giggle and sigh contentedly with the brown bear.

The red ribbon that was once beautifully tied around it's neck now lay crumpled and frayed, lying dejectedly on the floor.

Completely ignoring everyone around her, she held the teddy bear towards her chest and clutched onto it like it was her lifeline. Heaving one last sob, she let out a shuddering breath and fainted. Her body suddenly went limp as husband ran to catch her.

He walked out the door with his wife in his arms, slowly walking towards their chamber. He laid her onto the crimson silk sheets lying upon the bed. Letting out a few tears, he finally allowed himself to succumb to the emotions that he kept inside, for the safety of his wife came first.

He stroked her soft creamy skin, praying that his wife got through this, when in reality, he wondered if he could ever get through this. He laid down beside her and pulled his body into his, curling up beside her, wishing it was all a bad dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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