The Author Would Like To Say Something

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Hi guys,

I can't believe that I am actually writing this book again, but I think I need it. A LOT OF DRAMA has happen and I guess this is how I am going to escape my reality. Though I will be updating , I am not sure how regular it would be, or if it would be regular. so I am sorry if you guys find it annoying, but well, will try my best.

So to introduce myself,

Hello my name is Nix, a 20 year old psychology major. There was one time in my life where I was confident of what I wanted to do, but currently confused as to what I would like to do as my specialization. I like to believe I am a happy go lucky person, but well sometimes life can suck, but I cope with it by listening to k-pop (a stay) and watching different genres of dramas in various languages. I have two close friends (who live very far from me) who have been the biggest pain in my ___ but are the love of my life. I like to cook and explore different cuisines, but am extremely lazy. I live with 3 other roommates of mine and we have our own place. Like to believe I am a weak independent woman (those who get it. get it). I am single and pansexual, who likes to smile creepily at my phone at reels of couples who are happily enjoying their relationship. I love to travel and know how to drive a car (though I prefer to be a passenger princess) and I love to ride my bike. 

if you want to know anything else do ask. 

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