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My best friends name is Baekhyun. Most people think it's weird that my best friend is a guy, but I've known Baek for my whole life. We've gotten into a lot of trouble together, which is probably one of the reasons why we are so close.

When I say trouble I mean like the time Baek and I superglued all of the principals belongings to his desk. Of course we got caught by the security cameras.

Now I am over at Baekhyun's because his family owns a hybrid shelter and his parents are on vacation, so I am helping run the shelter. We just closed up half an hour ago. And we are now putting all of the hybrid children in bed.

Most of the hybrids are very young except for Jongin and Sehun, who are both cat hybrids in their early twenties. This makes me nervous because once they turn twenty and haven't been adopted the government takes them and uses them to run tests on.

This really upsets me because I am close to Jongin and Sehun. Whenever we put the young ones to bed Baek and I bring Jongin and Sehun upstairs to watch movies with us.

This time around, we decided to watch Spider-Man. Sehun had his head in my lap and Jongin was curled into a ball right next to me. Baekhyuns hybrid dog, Chanyeol was practically sitting on top of him.

This became a daily ritual for the next two weeks while I was there but, I had to leave when Baek's parents returned home.


I live alone in a one bedroom apartment. I am 23 years old and I took over my dad's job as CEO of Starstruck Entertainment. I live very close to Baekyun, that's the only reason I can still hang out with him even though I am very busy.


About 3 months after Baekhyun's parents returned, I received a frantic call from Baek at four in the morning.

"Minah! The government is coming to inspect the shelter tomarrow, which means they will take Jongin and Sehun." At that moment my worst fears came true.

In a panic I said, "I will be right over." And then I ended the phone call.


When I got there Baek was in tears and Jongin and Sehun looked terrified.

"Can't you adopt them, Baek?" I asked frantically.

"My parents said no. I don't know what to do!" He said with tears streaming down his face.

"I will adopt them." I said triumphantly. Baekhyun at me with a startled look in his face and the two hybrids were in shock.

"Are you really gonna adopt us?" Sehun asked.

"Yes, I am. Baek please go get the adoption forms." I've never seen my friend move so fast in my entire life.

In about two hours Sehun and Jongin became my cat hybrids. By the end of it my head hurt, I had dark circles under my eyes, but most of all I was happy.

I drove my new pets home around 8 in the morning.

The second we got home we all dived into my king sized bed and took a cat nap. I was extremely comfortable with a catboy curled up on each side of me.

We woke up around noon and they both demanded that I make pancakes for them.

After that we got all of their stuff moved in. A while later Baekhyun and Chanyeol stopped by to check on us.

We played video games on my Wii and ordered pizza. Jongin mad a pouty face at me and we ended up ordering chicken too.

Once they left Sehun suggested that we watch Finding Nemo.

I got the popcorn and blankets all rounded up while the boys found the movie.

Once we were all situated, Sehun's head was in my lap and Jongin was curled up next to me. Just like always. At the moment I knew everything would be just fine.

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