So your a player I'm playing hard to get

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This isn't like all other bad boy meets a sweet innocent virgin. Know this girl had a deep dark secret. Not even her parents know about it. Well her so called parents their never at home.

One day she decides she wants to be different so she runs away from home to her grandmas. She is a sweet 70year old. Her name is Sarafaya. She is an 17 going on 18 year old girl. She had fire red hair, her friends call her fay.

AlyxXavier his friends cal him X. He's a 17 going on 18 year old player that thinks nothing about anyone but him self, he lives with his mom and lil sister named Phoenix, he is a bad ass at the school every girl loves him cuz he is a boy that can't be tamed and is super hott, every boy looks up to him cuz he gets laid like it is the easiest thing in the world, teachers respect him because he has great grades and is a responsible student.

The day X saw the new girl he thought she was a prissy little stuck up rich girl in her cami and knee length skirts. But that is all he ever thought about her, until he here's that this chick is turning some of the bigest man whores in the school good respectful guys. Has he met his match?

Fay sees this hot bad boy of the school and instantly knows he is trouble. She is going to stay as far away from him as possible but it may be hard considering that he is the most popular guy in school.

Sarafaya P.O.V.



Falling off the bed with a mini heart attack great way to start off this school year. This is bull isn't this like cruel and unusual punishment to have to wake up this early.

FAY!!!!!! If you don't wake up now you're going to be late for the first day of school, and watch your language young lady!!!!

Most times I wish my mom and dad are here, because they are never here but I've learned how to care for my self with out them, so I don't really need them any more I guess. But it is nice when they are here I respect them they make the money they bout this mansion of a house, so I do as they say to make them happy and pay attention to me. I know that's sad but hey what ever.

I run down stairs to find mom and dad sitting at the table eating. I sit down at my spot across from them. My dad was reading the paper mom on her IPhone. I ate my food I looked at the clock it is 6:10am well might as well take a shower. After my shower I changed into my school uniform. I leave my naturally curly red hair down my back and let it curl. I don't put on make up because then people will expect me to wear make up all the time so I go down stairs and look at the clock it says 6:45am I have 3 minuets before I have to get on the bus. Ya I know right what why not your car, thing is I was to lazy to go get my permit test till it was 5 days before my birthday which is april 15th but hey as log as I got it that is all that matters.

The bus pulls up to our drive way, I say bye to mom and dad, then go off to the bus. I get on the bus and every one that is on, stops and looks at me I start to walk back to my seat. Which is the one seatter seat in the back of the bus. As soon as I sit down every one turns around and starts whispering to one another. People may ask why are they whispering about me you see I may have hit a teacher a few times.


Flash back

Walking down the halls it was dark, gloomy, and thundering rain out side my favorite time. Walking into English class happy that is was the last hour of the day I was 3 minuets early to class so no one was there yet. I when's to sit down in my seat when my teacher Mr. Solan came up behind me and started to caress my hips then his hands started to move, one down my thigh and the other one to my breasts his hand started to move up my inner thigh and my skirt. He was about 26 years old hot as ever but it is weird when a teacher starts to feel you up. He whispered in my ear "you are one of my hottest students I can't take it any longer" he was about to touch me some where no other man has be fore but before he could i got all my senses back and elbowed him in the stomach. I whipped around and punched him in the nose when he was on the ground I started kicking him. Then the principle came running in he picked me up and brought me to his office. No one believed me. I got suspended for 1 month that was the worst month of my life when I walked in the house I was instantly put to work with odd jobs.

End of flash back ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Then I got off the bus every one was string at me. I look at my schedule it says

1st hour - English - Mr. Solan

2nd hour - Art - Mrs. Peterson

3rd hour - Math - Mr. Loem

4th hour - Chemistry - Ms. Prince

5th hour - Study hall - Mr. Solan

6th hour - Free period

7th hour - student helper - Mr. Solan


Well might as well head off to hell.

What is going to happen in Mr. Solana classes?

Plz comment I need to know If this is heading the right direction

So your a player, I'm playing hard to getWhere stories live. Discover now