I used to be a very angry person, I would lash out at everyone I loved, I would push people away and not take in anyone new. I hated everyone.
When I was 14, my life consisted of going to school, scowling at people, then going home and updating my tumblr blog. Every once in a while I would treat myself to a large mocha pumpkin Cappa frappa chino at Starbucks. One of these days I was sitting at my four person booth for one, sipping on my "coffee", adjusting my fake glasses and flipping my bleached/blue hair and I suddenly have the urge to divert my eyes towards the counter, it was there that I saw the most beautiful man in the world. He was about 5'10" not too tall but definitely not short, the curious man had short curly black hair and fair skin which contrasted with his fair white skin. To most, this person may seem quite ordinary but to me, he was perfection, he was the epitome of my wet dreams.
He ordered a long black coffee with no sugar, when the cashier asked for his name the coffee machine made a loud hissing noise, making me unable to hear his name properly, I think it was "Shia" he said.
Shia, what an amazing name.