Moving day

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Hurry up and put your stuff in the truck! My mom yelled from downstairs.

I rolled my eyes not really wanting to move just because of my mom being afraid of my stupid dad.

Once everyone had their stuff in the moving truck we drove to the airport, about a 40 minute drive from our "house"

We later arrived to the airport and Caleb (little brother, 11 years old) was complaining about his back hurting, Ali (little sister, 13 years old) complaining about her stomach hurting, and Hanna (Older sister, 24 years old) complaining about her head hurting.

I could already tell this flight was gonna be a long ride...

Wake up!!! I hear my mom yelling, for us to get off the plane and to get into the car with the dark Windows. We all stay awake waiting to see the new house, or should I say mansion we are now living in. Its about 8:00 pm right now and we all get our stuff out of the truck which takes about 2 hours because so much stuff we had from our old place.
10:30 pm
2:25 am
Four hours have past and we still don't have everything set up, but we have everything moved in the soon to be blue room which is actually the living room,  my mom don't like calling it that because she says it don't make since the room isn't actually living...

I have my bed and some clothes in my closet and all my other stuff is in the blue room that will be moved into my room tomorrow. We all decide to go to bed because how late it has gotten.
2:40 am
I wake up to my alarm going off and I sit there and stare at it because I never set my alarm this early.. I ignore it and walk down stairs to fix breakfast and everyone is sat around the table looking miserable except my mother who has a big ole smile on her face.
Mom, what did you do? I asked.
What? I'm just in a good mood, she replys.
I give her a look, I obviously know she done something, she only holds a smile on her face if she's watching Justin bieber or if she's hiding something...

I sat down and started eating and it hit me, She set the time to 9:00! Mom, why did you change the time on our clocks I ask looking down at my big bowl of cereal.
What, I did no such thing. She said
Mom, I give her a serious look.
Fine, because I know y'all were gonna get up late considering you got in bed late, and I needed you all up early so we could finish unpacking and y'all could start school tomorrow.
And that was a big deal, becauseee? I question her confused why everybody else is in complete silence.
Well, I didn't think y'all would get up until late and I know you guys would get aggravated at me for waking you up so I changed your clocks instead of me waking y'all up and getting mad at me. Simple . She says back

It's been a long 11 hours and after, yelling, fussing, fighting, and arguing we managed to get the house decorated, painted, and everything set up. I only worked hard because I wanna get to go to school with my cousin maddi tomorrow!

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