"Can you pass the cheese dear?" Your grandma says.
"Yea sure" you say.
This summer can't get any worse. Your stuck on a tiny island with your grandparents and none of your friends. You wish you could text them but you can't since your dad took your texting away to enjoy the sun and outdoors. I'm gonna be stuck here forever you think to yourself.
You see a boy with brownish blonde hair sit down at the table next to you. He looked cute and nice, but you would never walk up to him, even though you see him look and smile at you a bunch of times.
Not keeping track of time, you grandparents say it's time to go. It's such a small town you say "Can't I walk home by myself tonight? I will be careful I promise."
"Yes sure dear be home soon." Your grandma says.
"Ok I love you and see you soon" you say hugging her goodbye.
After they left, This was your time you thought. To say hello and make a friend in this small town. But your fears came and thought just to leave so you did. You grabbed your plates and turned to hand to the waiter but only it was not the waiter it was the boy behind you.
You both collided and the plates go on the floor, and you both go down to pick them up.
"I'm so sorry" he says.
"It's ok I'm sorry" you say smiling.
"I'm patrick by the way" he says.
You love the way he talks. It's so adorable and not like a really thug guy. And he's eyes sparkle when he says something with his big black glasses and fedora to match.
"Hi I'm Meg" you say.
"Nice to meet you" he says.
"Yea you too" you say.
"So are you here all summer?"
"Yea I'm staying with my grandparents"
"Oh I'm here all summer too. My parents have a beach house here. We should hang out some time."
"Yea deffinetly" you say handing him your phone number.
"Awesome I'll see you around"'he says making a goofy smile and walking away.
Maybe this summer won't be so bad after all....
Patrick Stump Fanfiction
RomanceFANFICTION Your parents are making you spend the summer with your grandparents who are too old to even care about you, and you just want to focus your music career (that haven't officially started.) you don't believe in a perfect boy until you met...