Ike and firkle sat outside on the school's steps. The bitter cold wind blowing through the boy's hair. "I think we should just go back inside. It's gotta be better than this." Ike suggested it but knew firkle wouldn't agree. "You can. I think I'm fine," he said with a huff. It was obvious that he wanted ike to stay. And stay he did. The goth crossed his arms and pulled his legs up to his chest. "Are you cold?" Ike asked. Firkle shivered but shook his head. "I like the cold. It reminds me of death and the pain it brings. Ike took off his yellow scarf and wrapped it around firkle's neck as well as his own, bringing them close together. "Ike, no. Stop it." The nonconformist tried to get out of the brightly colored scarf but failed. "You're so cold to the touch..." the prep trailed off but smiled. "So?! Why do you care?" Firkle tried to hide his embarrassment. he just wasn't used to being anywhere near other people, not to mention ike. Ike wrapped his hands round firkle's waist and held him close. "Come on, don't be so tense." The blue eyed boy teased. He loved to see firkle blush at the teasing, and to see if he really would listen. This time he did. He let himself relax just a little bit. He took firkle's cold hand in his gloved hand and closed the goth's fingers inside his palm. " I think your going to freeze to death." He laughed. Firkle wondered what ike was thinking, but he knew for sure that being this close had to mean something to him. 'Oh god. Please let him be enjoying this. Please just let his goth being killing the mood, not his actual feelings. Please.' Ike silently begged his god for help, and even asked satan for help. 'Satan is firkle's god, he would help him. I hope.' Ike wasn't sure if he should really do what he was thinking but he decided to go for it. 'This is it. This is REALLY it.' He pressed his lips against the goth's and tightened his grip around the teens waist. Firkle didn't know what to do exactly, and he just tried to mirror ike's movements. If ike hadn't been so wrapped up in the kiss he might have laughed, but he couldn't. Firkle wrapped his arms around ike's neck and brought them closer. Ike pulled away first, wanting to know how the goth really felt about that. "You... er, I think I love you too." He pressed back into another kiss and tried not to think. Ike however was thinking like crazy. 'I'd never said I'd loved him. It was true that I did but I never said it. How did he know? Did he just guess?' Ike didn't care anymore, he loved the nervous goth boy, and the goth loved him. It was all so perfect.
An: Kiss kiss, I am so bad at writing kisses.
Love is... (ike x firkle)
RomantizmI wish I could hate you. But I cant. I love you, and I need you here with me. Firkle has always been cold, unwelcoming and antisocial. But he develops an unwanted crush on his classmate ike. The goth pushes away the feelings and ignores ike as much...