Part 1

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I pulled out my phone and texted my mom "Where are you?" She was 30 minutes late and I was stuck at school with a red face. As I stood there I spied with my little eye movement down the hall. Black hair, tall, tan skin. My heart started pounding as Hunter walked toward me. I put my hair in front of my face to hide it. As he walked up to me, my blue Amber eyes met his green eyes. I could tell he had noticed my face had been red for a long time indicating I had been crying.

"Hey Violet, what's up?". He said smiling. I like how he just started a normal conversation and didn't immediately ask me what was wrong like other people would do.

"Oh just waiting for my mom to pick me up". I said looking at my phone, waiting for a text from my mom saying she was near the school or she at least got my text.

"Oh, cool. I'm waiting for my brother to pick me up. Say while we wait for our rides to pick us up, why don't you tell me what's wrong." There it was. I couldn't. I couldn't tell him. Not just because I was embarrassed but also if I started talking about it I was going to start crying and I hate crying in front of people, especially boys.

I searched for something to say. "Oh just a comment someone said to me, it's nothing I'm just being overdramatic as usual". I said looking at his nose. Why you might ask? Well it's the closest thing the eyes and I can't look at someone right in the eyes when I'm embarrassed because I'm that transparent.

"Who? What did they say?" He asked so concerned it almost made me want to hug him. But of course I didn't do that.

I have a brief flashback of the moment, but it wasn't visual. It was just words.

"Hey Violet, can I ask you something?"

"Um sure what is it?"

"Why are you so short? Like do you have a disease? What's your ethnicity? How tall are your parents? Sorry it's just I've never met someone as short as you and was wondering if it's something I should be concerned about."

"Um well my mom is 5'2 and my dad is 5'9."

"And how tall are you?"

"I'm 4'11, also I'm half Italian."

"Then why do you have freckles?"

"I don't know. Genetics?"

"Oh well that explains why your so stupid."

I opened my eyes even though I couldn't see anything. I just realized that that flashback had taken 30 seconds and I was still standing in front of Hunter. I also realized that I was starting to cry. He put his hand on my shoulder. I got this vibe from him, like he understood what had happened even though I hadn't told him anything. Wait a second. I was being pulled by the flash back and this time I could see. I was looking up at Ashley, my eyes zoomed into the left of her to see Hunter standing at his locker and in the mirror of his locker I could see his facial expression. He was looking at me through the mirror and he had a mad expression. He was there. I quickly returned to Hunter.

I looked up to his green eyes, I realized that he didn't only have green in his eyes, he also had a strike if Amber, like a lightning strike. I felt myself revealing more of me by the second. I quickly looked down. I felt myself continuing to cry. Stop I yelled at myself. All my life I had been called weak. I'm weak. The one person whom I can't reveal my weak side to.

Suddenly his hand went under my chin and lifted it up. Then he took my black hair between his left pointer finger and middle finger and brushed it past my black rimmed glasses and tucked it behind my ear. Forced to look at him another tear ran down my cheek and into my mouth. Damnit. I'm exposed. But instead of feeling embarrassed, I felt comforted. That he actually cared.

"Don't worry about Ashley and her friends." He said.

"But what if they're right, what if I'm stupid and a midget and stuff."

"They aren't and even if you are a midget, you're the cutest and most beautiful little midget I've ever seen." He said with a smile. His green, Amber eyes smiling too.

Just then he leaned down, twisted his head to the left side of mine and kissed me. Now keep in mind that I am 4'11 and he is 5'11 so I was up to his heart and therefore he had to lean down low. To help him out a little I went on my tip toes. I grabbed his collar for balance and he grabbed my waist. And then he went behind my shoulder and felt my wavy hair. I kept my hands where they were. 15 seconds passes and he switched to the right side of me and changed his hands positions to my neck using his thumb to graze my jawline and his pointer finger to stay on my neck. It lasted a good 30 seconds. In all that time I thought. He didn't care that I was a freaking legal midget. He saw inside me and is one of the few people in my life who let me know and convinced me it was okay to open up to him. That was one of the best feelings I've ever had. What I liked about him was he had friends but he wasn't very popular. He wasn't a f****** in other words. He didn't care about body image. He genuinely cared about me. He was a nerd like me. He was also a very good friend of mine. And he reminded me of one of my favorite characters in my favorite book so that's always a win. It all felt so good.

We pulled away at the same time. Still looking at each other. His hand had moved to my waist and my hand still on his collar. It was about 5 seconds before he spoke. And what he said made me love him even more. "Your eyes are glowing red, Amber, and blue. So beautiful." I smiled and said thank you. I went off my tip toes quickly realizing that I still had on my black converse ( I don't know why that specific detail matters but for a second I thought I was wearing heels because I was on my tip toes for so long.

He stroked my hair and I stroked his. Just then my phone rang. It was my mom. Calling. I answered it and and said I'll be right out. I went to go grab my bag and then Hunter pulled my arm and leaned down without me going on my tip toes so it was a long journey for him. He leaned down and kissed me again. He smiled. I smiled. I took my stuff and went up the stairs. I went outside in the pouring rain and went into my moms car. I had a grin on my face I could feel it and wasn't afraid to show it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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