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Remember back when you were a little kid and your parents thought it was cute when you got in little fights at school and were so fake proud when you made the other kid cry." well mom hope your proud" i thought as my fist made contact with Allisia's nose hearing a satisfing crack blood gushing.screaming she stumbles back eyes wide surprised i actually hit her.Not missing a beat i lunged forword falling onto her.landing legs on oposite sides of her chest i pull my arm back ready to hit again.only half way down i feel my arm jerked back.Spinning around im ready to hit the person behind me only to see my best friends mason and jennifer urging me to come on.Helping me up on unsteady knees we run down the halls my converse allstars slipping slightly.Breaking into the sun we run untill we are about a block away from the school we slow to a trot.Stopping suddently Jennifer gets in my face yelling at me. "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST PUNCHED HER ARE YOU KIDDING ME" .I look from her to Mason and speak slowly "i dont know what happened honestly i just couldnt take it any more". "Allisia has called us freaks one to many times i couldnt stop it just happened".Visibly calming down Jennifer just slowly shakes her head a small smile spreading across her mouth her lip ring sparkling slightly in the sun. she glance towords Mason whos also smiling speaking up he says "i have to admit that was an amazing hit i think you may have broke it" grinning i pull out my android looking in the mirror screen protector i check my make up nerviously playing with my snake bite lip rings. i look from Mason to Jennifer and back again"soooo how long till my mom hears about this you think". snorting Mason says"i wouldnt be surprised if she knew by now being part of the school council and all"shrugging i nod for us to keep walking.Glancing up at Mason randomly

.He was so hot it was sinfull like a dark fallen angel his hair pitch black and perfecly tousled going to alittle below his ear.Eyes the color of the ocean as the sun sets. his plump bottom lip pierced.Getting sidetracted i thought back to the day me Mason and Jennifer all got our lips done."HELLO ANYBODY HOME" Jennifer says tapping softly on my head bringing me back to reallity "huh" i sputter.Laughing Jenifer says dude we are at your house and your moms car is in the drive way. gulping i walk up the path Jennifer and Mason yelling good luck from the safe distance of the side walk. "some friends "i mutter putting my key in the door.

pushing the door open softly flinching when it creeks on the old hinges.Glancing around nerviously i take my allstars off about to creep up the steps when a booming voice stops me" Jocelyn Elizabeth"spinning around almost losing my balance on the steps "ohhhh hi mom" i say as sweetly as possible puting on a fake smile"whats wrong" i say tilting my head slightly.

"dont even give me that shit where's your phone i want it and i want it now"

"but mom why "i whine"I didnt do any thing

"bull shit do you forget who i am "

"how could i forget who you are!" i scream "having all the kids at school making fun of me for being the unprim and prober daughter well guess what fuck them and fuck you"i spat


my face feels burning hot i stare in shock blood boiling in my vains I scream"FUCK YOU YOU STUPID BITCH I WISH YOUD JUST DIE ALL READY"running upstairs i slam my bedroom door locking it behind me. Glancing towords the window i decide why the hell not putting my shoes back on

I go to the window opening the latch and swinging my leg out i sigh and push off .falling a story to the ground i bend my knees slightly waiting for the pain when i hit.Only the pain never comes i open my eyes and im on the ground no pain. slightly startled i glance up to make sure i didnt imagine me jumping.Satisfied im just that awesome iwalk the back way to Jennifers pulling my ipod out of my pocket i turn on Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People.Humming the melancoly lyrics i look up to see the sky darkning seriously fast to fast for a storm i start walking faster i glance down to change the song,getting the feeling im being watched i look up slightly. A block down the street is a man in all black like one of those leather suits from some stupid sex slave porno. staring at me with bright white eyes.seeing me looking he lets out this banshee scream his face spliting looking as tho his cheeks had been cut . of 3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2013 ⏰

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