soul x maka 1shot

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soul's pov

"soul," was a word that echoed thought tha house many times." Soul do you know were my shoes are," A young girl yelled. A young man sat on hi s bed were he had hid the young girl's shoes."No maka i don't," I yelled back." I put them by my door last night and its not like the grow legs and move in the middle of the night," she said. she then opened my door and looked me straight in the eyes" are you sure you have no absolute idea were they are soul," she asked once more." nope, but do you need help looking for them," I said with a goofie smile." what do you think," she said." I'll take that as a yes," I said. she then walks out of my room to look for them some were esle. I start to move stuff and throw stuff around, then reached under my bed for them. Then walked out my room to the hall being a mess. I sight a bit before smirking slightly "Maka found them," I yell. "Really thanks soul," She said running up to me. I then rasies them out of her reach. "Soul may i have my boots,"she asks. "You'll have to get them from me," I teased. She jumped around me trying to get her boots. "Come on Soul I would like my boots please!" she wined. Finally she grabed a hold of the boots and causing me too lose my balance.

maka's pov

I open my eyes to my lips pressed against Soul's. His hands were on my wast and my hands were on his chest. Suddenly Soul's eyes pop opened to me staring wide eye at him. Then suddenly he knew what had hapened and the kiss we're shareing.

maka's pov

I quickly pulled away and sat up"ummm...sorry soul," I was blushed so much I grab my boots and ran in my room. I slamed it shut and slid downt to the floor "Why did I have to kiss soul, I know I like him I think" I thought to myself before my thoughts were interuped by a knock on the door. "ummm...maka..can..I to you" Soul said on the other side.

soul's pov

That was not supose to happen to plan. I'm gonna tell her. I stood up. I'm gonna tell I keep telling myself. My legs felt like bricks as I slowly moved to maka's door. Finally I tapped it with my knuckles. " to you," I stutter. "uh sure," I hear maka say. I open the door and sit by here feeling very nervous. " I kinda had to talk to you too Soul.." she says. "I like you," we both say. What did she say?

maka's pov

What did he say? We both sit on my bed in dead silince for like god knows how long. "So you like me," I grounded up a lot of courage to say. "Yeah but it took me a while to tell you Maka. So you like me?" he says back. I blushed heavily. "umm..yea," I said."Maka albarn will you be my girlfriend," he say. I sat in silince staring at Soul. "S..s..sure," I said. Suddenly I felt lips aginst mine. I stiffented and finllay melted into that kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, finding my hand ruffed in his snowie white hair. I suddenly felt arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. Finally I pulled back for air, but that didnt stop soul. He started kissing at my neck, and tenderising it. Finally I stuttered "S..soul!?" He stopped and looked at me. Sorry Maka I kinda rushed in to things," he said. "Its okay," I said bluntly. "We've got school tomorrow so we better go to bed," I said. "Yea I guess we do," he said with a toothy smile. He stood up and kissed my on the cheek "good night," with that said he walked out. I tossed and turned but couldnt stop thinking about kissing soul. Arug! stupid soul I'll  never be able to sleep tonight.

~next day~

maka's pov

Okay I guess you could say I didn't sleep much and for the first time I did a soul and fell asleep in class and then BOOM!! extra homework. I groan knowing this isnt helping my problem. Like soul has a problem keeping his hands off me. Yea I do get kisses here and their but nothing further. " MAKA!!" Soul yelled. "WHAT SOUL!?" I yell. "BRING UR SMALL BUTT IN HERE,'' he yells. Whats with the small butt I thought. I walked in to a messed up room. Okay not messed up but kinda romantic seen. I stood their with a wtf face "what? Too much?" Soul said. "No no no," I say with a cherry smile. "So why the romantic seen here?"I ask. "I...ummm...himmmmm.... i dont know," he says try to keep cool but failed with red cheeks. I giggle a little and kiss his red colored cheek which made him blush a heavier color of red.

soul's pov

Movie plan in action and going well I thought. "So what movie are we watching soul?" Maka ask. "Oh ummmm.. warm bodies," I say handing her the case. "Okay,'' she says with another cherry smile. I stare softly at those soft pink lips then I go in. I press my lips on maka's then pining her against the wall. Me trying to be bold, I lightly niped her bottom lip. finally I have entrance. Our tongues wrestle for a bit then I win sucking on her tounge. "S-Soul~" she wishpers though a air breake. I stop knowing I went to far once again. "umm...sorry maka." Finally i brake the silince. "Do you want to umm.. watch the movie know," I ask."Umm sure..IF you could try to control yourself ," she says sternly. "I could try," I say with a wide smile.

*an hour in to the movie*

normal pov

Maka was laying down in soul's lap with a blanket and pillow, and Soul was tickling her side which made her sleepy. Finally the movie ended and Maka was fast asleep. Soul chuckled to himself. Soul picked Maka up bridle style and layed her in her bed and kissed her forehead. "soul...please dont leave me,'' she wispered. Soul smiled and laid on the other side of maka.

maka's pov

I woke up to a warm body and a boy smell. My eyes finnally cleared up to see Soul right beside me. I gasped and covered my mouth. Thank god its saturday.

soul x maka One-Shot (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now