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"Thor, we need to talk," Loki announced as he stepped into the God of Thunder's chamber, clearly looking displeased.

Thor sent a loving smile in his brother's direction. The elder knew exactly what this was about. Every time Loki had one of his little rants, tantrums or 'discussions' as Loki himself puts it, who would have guessed that the other man could get jealous so easily.

The brothers had began their forbidden relationship only a few months ago, yet Thor felt as if it had been one of the best decisions of his life. He genuinely grew to love the dark haired man and would do anything for him. He knew Loki better than he knew himself, which meant he definitely knew what had pissed the younger of so much.

However, Thor had no idea that the adopted prince was present when the busty brunette maid had approached Thor, inviting him to her room. To her displeasure, Thor had instantly declined, not giving her a second glance and stalked straight to his chamber in a foul mood.

Which brings us to now. If looks could kill, Thor would surely be dead right now. The elder brother sunk back into the leather chair he was sitting in. As much as he cared for Loki, he knew it would take a while for him to calm down.

"Who was that whore? Thor, why would you do this?" Loki spat, giving Thor the dirtiest look he had ever seen.

Thor sighed, wanting to calm his dear prince down. "Loki, why would I need some common serving wench, when I have the most beautiful creature in all of the realms," Thor smiled adoringly at the other.

Loki's stare softened slightly, but soon came back full force, "That poetic crap won't work with me, brother," Thor gulped, "Why would you do this to me?" Loki repeated the question, for only a brief second, Thor swore he could see the shake in the others posture, the anger the younger felt beginning to turn into sorrow.

"Wh-why would you do it, huh?" Thor new that his lover could easily get emotional, he knew how well Loki tried to hide these things, Thor even knew how insecure the God of mischief really was, he knew the real Loki.

"Loki," Thor spoke cautiously, as if he was stepping on thin ice, "Come here."

Loki looked torn for a second, but slowly came to stand in front of the other prince, before being pulled into his Thor's lap, his legs either side of Thor's.

Loki's eyes were glued to the expensive curtains to the side of both men, staring angrily at the red and gold designs.

"Listen to me, Loki," he was listening, "I don't even know her name, I can't even recall her face, why would I care about some wench when I have you, oh my dear Loki."

Thor new he had a way with words, and he knew the other prince knew this to, yet the younger's gaze still remained on those blasted curtains. Oh, how Thor hated those curtains.

"Hey... Look at me," the elder softly grasped Loki's chin and turned his head towards him, emerald eyes slowly met Thor's blue ones. Loki scowled at the blond, but the scowl began to turn into a shy smile and the arms crossed strictly across Loki's chest creeped around the elder prince's neck.

Thor's strong arms securely wrapped around smaller man's slim waist and pulled him impossibly closer to his muscular chest. Thor heard Loki sigh.

"Thor, I must apolog-"

Loki was suddenly cut off as Thor's lips gently met the younger prince's. At first, Loki didn't respond, but then his brain fully kicked in and his lips moved against his lovers eagerly, Thor was his, not some random wenches, he was Loki's. At this point Loki had no idea why he had even judged Thor's loyalty in the first place.

Their tongues met and Thor felt the younger gasp, the sensation still quite new to Loki, but he slowly got used to it, wrapping his arms around Thor's neck, pulling at the blond strands of hair.

Thor's hands went from the others waist to his hips, holding down far too hard for a normal person to enjoy, but Loki was no ordinary being and that just made Thor love Loki even more.

Loki slightly grinded his rear into blond's half hard member, Thor hissed into Loki's mouth, his nails digging hard into the younger's hips, slowly moving them to his butt. Thor grabbed Loki's rear as the younger whined, pressing his lower half into Thor more frantically.

By the gods, Thor loved Loki when he got this desperate, Thor wanted to do so many things to Loki right now, the elder wanted to hear him scream, he wanted Loki to live up to the title God of mischief.

Loki was whimpering, silently begging for Thor to just take him, he didn't care about anything else anymore.

Thor pulled away from his brother's kiss a faint blush on both of the boys cheeks, Loki slightly panting.

"Thor, please, I can't take it anymore, I need it, I-"

Thor silenced the younger with a gentle kiss, trying to calm himself down, knowing that he needs to control himself.

"Listen to me, you do not understand how much I want to do this, I doubt you can comprehend how long I have waited," Thor took a breath, steadying himself, "but we don't have the right preparations, I don't want to hurt you."

Loki opened his mouth to protest, but before any words could leave it, both men heard a gentle knock upon Thor's door.

"My highness, the king summons you."

Thor groaned in frustration, pressing a quick peck to the side of his brother's head, but he knew better than to keep his father waiting.

"Loki, I'll be as quick as I can, just wait and I'll-"

Loki smiled at his prince.

"I'll always wait for you, Thor."

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