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Hey guys I'm so sorry I couldn't get this out eight days earlier but it was my brothers birthday Monday and we celebrated it on Sunday so my dad could be there and I've been taking care of a bunch of 1st graders all week for my church's VBS so I've had trouble finishing it up.

But thanks for being patient and I hope you like it !!

Jennifer's POV

It's been pretty cold lately in Vancouver. For the month of August that is. Today the shooting went well and Adam and Eddy introduced a new character named Killian. Colin O'Donoghue in real life. He's handsome and Irish, which I tend to melt over, and his eyes! His eyes are the bluest and most beautiful eyes you will ever see. They sparkle when you look into them. The blue tint is absolutely magnificent. I need to know more about him. Is he married? Does he have a girlfriend? Any children? And of course what he likes to do. I shouldnt get so attached though, we haven't even fully met yet.

Colin's POV

My new bosses Adam and Eddy showed me around the set today so when I come tomorrow it will seem more familiar to me. They introduced me to the cast and showed me my dressing trailer. They took me to the makeup trailer and explained to me when I had to be here the next morning and how long I should be in here getting my man makeup on. But as we exited the trailer my eyes fell on this beautiful woman. I believe her name to be Jennifer. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I need to know more about her, so i'm going to make it my main priority when I arrive in the morning.
That night I lay in bed next to my girlfriend dreaming about Jennifer, knowing how much it will hurt her if I grow closer with my new lady. I would never want to upset her but I can't help but think what my life would be like with Jennifer instead of Helen.

Helen and I have been together for 2 years and are eventually planning to get married. My heart is torn. Should I get to know Jennifer? Because who knows maybe her personality sucks and I can still be with Helen,or should I just act friendly and just be work partners and ignore this whole situation. It hurts my brain too much to think anymore so I drift off to sleep with Helen in my arms.
The next morning is a beautiful morning. 30 degrees better to be exact. It's been bitterly cold lately and the warmer weather makes it a lot better. I watched the sun shine down on Helen's face and carefully took notice to her soft lips vaguely shift to a slight smile as I walk over to my wardrobe to grab my outfit for the day.
"I love how hard you are trying dear, but you know I'm a very light sleeper!"
"I know love but it's better than waking you using words."
I leave her be and head to the bathroom to get in the shower. It was a quick shower so I got out, put my clothes on and headed downstairs to the kitchen. The sweet smell of bacon and eggs shot up my nose and I couldn't help but to grab it right off my plate and eat it right then and there.
"You know I was hoping we could actually have breakfast together this morning..." I heard her say as she wrapped her arms around my stomach.
"I'm sorry love, but remember I start work today?"
"Yes... I...I do. Go ahead then, I'll see you tonight?"
"Yes my love" I kiss her cheek and run out the door bacon in hand.
Helen has never really been a big fan of my acting career. She thinks that once we settle down and have children I'll never be home. That I'll leave her and never come back. And honestly it bugs me... I tell her constantly that I will never give up on us, that no matter what I will be there for her, but she has a tough time believing. I don't know why. It makes me wonder if it's really worth it. I need someone who has faith and true confidence that everything will turn out the way it should be.
I was on my way there and i got a text message from Eddy asking to grab a Starbucks for Jennifer and himself. I knew I shouldn't be texting and driving but this was a one time deal. So I texted back "Okay on my way now, be there soon!"
I put my phone down and pulled into the Starbucks parking lot. It started to rain so I ran in and ordered a caramel ribbon crunch créme Frappuccino for Jennifer, and a white chocolate mocha for Eddy. I asked them to put a heart next to Jennifer's name and also ordered an iced tea for myself. I grabbed the drinks and ran to my car and drove away hoping I would make it in time to work.
I arrived at the set and ran straight to Jennifer's trailer to give her her drink.
"Sorry I couldn't come earlier Jennifer, it was kinda last minute."
"Oh that's okay! You're new right? Colin is it?"
"Yes, and I have to go get ready so I'll see you in a half an hour?"
"Yup! Nice meanting you colin!"

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