Chapter one~In the beginning...

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Laura was born on the 15th August 1997. Her mother and father always said she would grow up and do big things, set goals and most importantly achieve them. Laura struggled in school, getting bullied by all the older kids. No one appreciated her just because she was different, except one person; Shelby.
Shelby was always there for Laura, helping her through thick and thin. Laura tried doing the same but her body got confused and she would blank out. Shelby understood Laura in many ways no other human could understand. They never left one another's side. 
Shelby stood up for Laura when people picked on her and treated her differently just because of her illness.
Laura was born with Cystic Fibrosis, a rare disease that prevents many people to do normal every day things as their lungs don't work the same as others.
Shelby's grandfather had CF so she understood all about it and was there to support Laura in any need.
Laura loved the idea of sports. Someday she wanted to be in the Olympics and complete for running, but she never had the courage to stand up and try as she knew her CF would get in the way.
Shelby encouraged her day and night to try and make the Intermediate Running  Team for her school but Laura refused every time.
Every sports day the school held Laura would always back out when Shelby was right there supporting her all the way. Shelby started to get disappointed with Laura as she wanted the best for her but Laura didn't want anything to do with it. Laura's mum and dad didn't want her illness to get in the way of her normal life but Laura thought not. She hated the fact she had CF. she prayed every day for it to go away but nothing happened, until one night...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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