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Rosie’s face still stung from the night before when Neal, who had come home drunk-again, had hit her for just standing on the top of the staircase.  It kept replaying over and over in her head as she put make-up on the bruise he left her with.

“What the hell are you doing up there?” He bellowed at her.Because she hesitated and didn’t answer, he ran up the stairs as she ran to her room to hide.  She clenched the door knob hard enough to make her knuckles turn white.

Neal banged on the door and said, “Open this door right now!” She thought ‘At any moment, the door will break off its hinges.’  Rosie cried for him to stop, but she knew it wouldn’t help.  She ran for a chair to block the door, but as she grabbed it, Neal opened the door and walked in the room.

“What did you think you were doing?”  He yelled as more tears poured out of her eyes.  He walks over to her and she backs away, in to a corner, no protection.  Neal then grabbed Rosie by the hair, yanking her up as she screamed from the pain.  He laughs and pulls harder; her screams fall silent, and turn into cries of defeat.  He pulled up his fist and hit her straight in the jaw.  She felt the white hot pain all over.

Rosie winced as the pressed the cover-up on the bruise.  She slowly pulled her long sleeve shirt over her head of jet black hair, to cover cuts and bruises on her back and arms.  Then she grabbed her dark green baggy pants and slid them on, and put on her shoes.

She walked down the stairs that Neal had run up the night before to grab her bag and leave for school.  Nancy, her ‘mother’ lay passed out on the couch, like any other day.  Rosie whispered you don’t care, do you?  She left the house and started her walk to school.

Once at school, she went to the nurse saying she needed aspirin for a headache, which was really her jaw.

“You have these headaches very often, dear,” she said as I swallowed the pill.

“Um, yeah, it runs in the family,” I answered quickly. “My mom gets them more often than me.”

“Have you thought about going to your doctors and getting a prescription drug for it?” She asked, hoping to help.

My mom would just take them to get high I thought, “No, I haven’t, I’ll look into that, thank you.” I said as I left her office.


I was always a loner when it came to school; I was still in the same small group of friends I had been in since elementary.  We always liked to think that the ‘preps’ were like some kind of contagious disease that we never wanted to ‘catch’.

The day went by fast, Rosie hated those days, the more time away from home, the better.  Although, on her way home, something was different...there was a man, or a teenage boy, standing on the other side of the street.  With dark black hair, he was dressed in all black, with a long overcoat that came to his mid-calf musle, although he was looking towards the ground, Rosie felt his eyes on her, watching every slight movement she made.

She made her way across the street to the other side, the side he was on, it was her only way home.  She felt like she was in a movie, where the girl gets kidnapped by some creeper.  But, as she moved pasted him, she only heard him mutter something to himself, or to her.  She didn't know which, so she decieded to ignore it and attempt to push it out of her head, but, she just couldn't get the strange boy out of her head.

She thought about him throughout the night.  Wondering who he was and if she would see him again.

The next day, Rosie found Neal passed out on the floor, nothing new.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2011 ⏰

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