wow thanks for the late news!

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hey this is my first story and please read and comment! tell me what u think! oh and i am i repeat AM NOT copying any story! y would i do that? pointless well anyways read it!


There was a warm feeling on my forehead. It was odd, it was still dark outside, i think. I tried getting

up but then it all came crashing down on me, the break in, the horrible words, and the terrifying

screams. Last night was the worst night of my life and all i wanted to do was forget about it, but with

all my strength i couldn't. Last night was the night my parents died and it was all my fault.


 I was sitting in my room thinking about the upcoming party my best friend was having and my

parents watching a movie in the living room when i man jumped in my window. He pointed a gun to

my head and said if i screamed then my whole family would die. I was panicking and i starting to

hyperventilate trying not to scream. I could feel the trembles and shivers going up and down my

body. I looked at my feet and i could see them trembling and not wanting to stop. The man asked

me if i had any jewelry and where it was. Of course i had jewelry! My family was rich, beyond rich

and was one of best people to rob! Why did we have to be so rich? All i could do was point to my

dresser where all my necklaces were and the rings i never would wear were.

 "Thanks kiddo." he said while he walked over to my dresser.

 It was around Halloween so every one  was pranking each other and sadly someone was pranking

a girl at that very moment.  She screamed a horribly loud scream and i gasped. My mouth was

open when he looked at me, he thought i was the one who screamed. I was crying now and trying to

say that wasn't me but i couldn't i was frozen with terror. " Well kiddo looks like you blew it big time."

he said with a horrible laugh. He finished grabbing my jewelry and next thing i know I'm falling on

the floor and then the worst thing happened. I heard my mother scream then my father. I was out

cold after that.


I didn't want to get up and see there dead body's. The thought killed me. I grabbed my phone and dialed911. "Hello how can i help you?" asked a female voice " I need help at 170 white drive there's been a murder." I say in a whisper

 "OK help is on the way can I have your name please?" She says in a worried tone. " My names Rose Parker." The tears were coming up. Me just thinking about them made me want to cry.

 "Help is on the way. Stay where you are and don't move. Everything is going to be OK." The woman says but I know shes wrong. My family's dead and nothings going to change that. I sat there silently crying until I heard someone knocking on the front door.

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