Mystery Whirlpool

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Mabel's PoV
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The water swished through my feet as I tried to understand why I was stuck in a whirlpool, when I decided to think back
to earlier that day so I could make more sense of my situation.


Dipper was filming his boring documentary thing, I started to pull out my tongue at that moment and make 'ewww' sounds for effect or something like that, but what was that episode called that we where making??


This went on for about 2 minutes before I realised that it was pointless and carried on with my memory recount.

Well, at the end of the video I had stuck 3 gummy worms up my nose when I heard a crying voice behind me in the woods but no....I didn't follow it did I?

I thought I had, but did I or not but...what??

Ok, maybe I did follow the mysterious crying voice echoing in the woods and ok, maybe I did trace it back to a mysterious villain named Bill Cipher and fine, I know those two decisions where stupid but not as stupid as the next thing I'm going to say because, ok-fine-but  m a y b e  I listened to what he happened to say.

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