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How to Room with a Guy

Chapter 1

By: Kate


Tori's POV

"What do you mean?"

My mom, Penny, gave me a sad smile, "We have to go to Massachusetts for a little while, Sweetheart. My sister, your aunt, she's really sick, Tori. I want to spend her last days she has with her."

I looked into my mother's eyes, glancing towards my dad before looking back.

"How long will you be gone?" My voice was quiet, a whisper into the night.

"I don't know, Honey, the doctors say she has less than a month, but it could be more, or it could be less."

Biting my lip, I knew my mom was stressed and didn't need me complaining. So instead, I simply asked "where am I staying?"


"Oh, Honey, I'm so excited you're here! I get to have a daughter for a little while." Mrs. Marin had been perfect, smiling sympathetically at my mother and giving her reassuring words as my parents dropped me off.

As soon as they had left for the airport, however, the act drop, and excitement filled its place.

I smiled back at her awkwardly, not really knowing what to say.

"So, I'm sorry about your rooming situation, but I don't really have anywhere else to put you. My husband, Mike, his friend is here for a few days and of course, the master is always taken. And I couldn't let you sleep on the couch, now could I?"

I smiled back at her, forced of course, but a smile none-the-less.

"It's not problem. Thanks again for having me."

"Now, Tori, Dear, you're going to be here for quite a significant amount of time. We can't have you apologizing forever. That stops now. I get it, but it is my pleasure."

Instead of arguing farther, I just let her lead me into the house.

"Now I wasn't sure if you'd want to sleep in the bed although I did wash the sheets but I told Zach that it was your choice. The bed or the blow-up. He should be home soon enough if you want to wait for him. Or I can help you unpack."

"It's no problem, I can do it." She smiled, leaving me in his room.

That's right. I was sharing a room with Zachary Marin.

My music-loving, always joking, run-with-no-shirt-on-everyday best friend.

Oh Lord freaking Jesus.

Did I mention the no shirt thing yet?

Because everyday he's all sweaty and shirtless and . . .


Through the open door, I could hear Mimi talking on the phone just down the hall as I unpacked.

"Oh I know they're only 17, Mary, but they're best friends. If they haven't done it yet, I don't think they ever will." She paused for a moment, letting Mary speak, I'm guessing. "Well of course, but hormones are strongest during puberty, and they survived that . . . I guess Tori won't be the girl that marries my son like Penny and I always thought."

I tuned her out, even as she continued, wrapping up the end of my unpacking.

I left some bathroom stuff in my bag, deciding to bring that in when I needed to so I wouldn't have to deal with figuring out where I would keep it until it was absolutely necessary.

I stood up from the floor, rolling my neck and letting it crack.

A throat clear behind me, and I turned, taking in the sight of my sweating, shirtless, idiotic best friend.

A smirk was plastered on his face.

"I have the best mom ever," he told me, glancing up and down quickly, letting his eyes slink across my body.

I raised an eyebrow, "why exactly?"

"She gave me a girl to sleep in my bed."

I rolled my eyes, laughing only slightly at him.

He smirked again, starring into my eyes and winking.

Ignoring his usual, flirting behavior, I pushed his shoulder, heading over to his music stash and grabbing one of my favorites.

As the music started playing, Zach came up beside me, bobbing his head.

"I'm taking a shower," he told me, pulling his head backwards toward the bathroom door inside of his room. "I think dinner will be just about done when I come back."

Nodding my head in tune with the music, I let him walk away, his arm brushing lightly against me, a tingling feeling running up my arm and all the way through my toes.

I turned, heading to where I left a pile of stuff on his bed, and grabbing my laptop.

Looking up, the bathroom door was slightly ajar, and I could see the outlined figure of my best friend through the crack, pulling off his running shorts.

Seeing and not seeing at the same time.

I sighed, settling down to power up my computer.

Typing down on my computer's keyboard as Word Documents opened up, I wrote . . .

Because I'm living with my best friend for about a month . . .

How to Room with a Guy

By Tori

Rule #1 . . .

Next Chapter: The first two rules which involve no clothes and Zach getting a hold of something that's Tori's . . .

a/n: Guys, it's here.

Next chapters are longer. Chapter 1 out of 10. Short story again. I promise the next one will be longer.

Hey Guys! Let me know what you think.

Updates every Saturday. Early Update on FRIDAY if this gets 10 individual comments (10 different people). Update THURSDAY if it gets 20 (also individual comments). Anything more than, update will be as soon as it reaches above 20 (as long as it isn't Thursday).

-Love, Katie

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