Chapter 1

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Have you ever felt like your being watched? That is how I've been feeling the past couple of days while working at the local diner. I live in a small town outside of Georgia called Hopeulikit, with the population of 300. Yeah I know it's really small, so why should I be worried about someone watching me? I practically know everyone that lives here.

Something has been different though these last few days and I'm not quite sure what it is. I shook the thought away and went back around the tables serving the people their food; my long wavy brown hair swaying back and forth as I walked.

I would say I'm decent looking, not ugly but not drop dead gorgeous either. I have crystal blue eyes and only stand a good 5'5. I have just graduated from high school and decided to pick up a summer job at the local diner, so here I am.

"Alexa your shift is done! Get out of here sweet pea," my boss Sherry said. I chuckled and reply back with an okay. I walked to the back of the diner and changed into blue jeans and a black V-neck, grabbing my bag and car keys on the way out the door. It was 10:00pm on a Saturday night, usually kids my age will be going out partying at this time of night, but the only thing I'm doing is going home and going to bed.

I was walking to my car when I felt this sort of odd presence with me, indicating I wasn't alone. I had a weapon in my bag just in case. I've been trained all my life by my dad on how to fight, so if there was someone I could take them.

I started walking faster to my car and finally got to the door. I was unlocking my door when I got this feeling that someone was behind me. I turned around and came face-to-face with a guy who had an evil smile on his face. He was about to put a bag over my head, but I kicked him in the stomach and took the chance to run as he was huddling over in pain. I ran as fast as I could out of this parking lot, but I had to stop myself as a big black van pulled in front of me.

The doors opened filled with more guys, and all I heard someone say, "hey there Alexa," before a bag was put over my head as I got shoved into the van. My hands were tied around my back so I couldn't get out.

When it felt like we started moving, the bag was pulled off my head and I was met with bright lights. When my eyes got adjusted, I looked around in the van; it was huge on the inside with tons of seating and all kinds of weapons on the wall.

One of the guys came over to me and bent down to face me, as I was seated on the floor. He must have been the leader because he looked a lot older than the rest of the guys, may be in his 40s. He had brown hair and dark brown eyes that looked so empty. It looked like he was thinking to himself for a while until he spoke.

"My sweet Alexa, my name is Mark, and as you can see we kidnapped you."

"No dip Sherlock, but the question is why? What do you want from me?" I asked angrily.

"You will soon know, all in good time," Mark said, "but know one thing Alexa, you are never leaving me." Oh great my kidnapper is a psycho who somehow knows my name. This night just couldn't get any better.

My Psycho KidnapperWhere stories live. Discover now