Exiled Gods

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On the outskirts of a kingdom surrounded by water stood an army of beasts and a man dressed in a black trench coat, black slacks and black dress shoes. That man, was me, Anzer Poilzer, and I am a mage working for the Grandayal Guild of Sorren. I was sent here for two reasons and two reasons only. To destroy these beasts and make sure the creator of said beasts is punished, but the Guild master never said how. I slowly shifted my body into motion moving my left hand upwards to shoulder height and my right hand behind it. In a flash of light and flame I shot a bullet sized flame ball at one the beasts having it die with contact.

"Hm seems as if the beasts are weak to fire... I wonder..." I said pondering.

I put both my hands a few inches off the center of my chest, and started whispering Latin. A ball of flame about the size of a softball appeared between my hands, I slowly spread my legs apart and increased the spacing between my hands and rose my hands to be placed above my head. The ball continued growing in size till it reached the size of a large beach ball. I removed one of my hands and held the ball of flames with my right hand.

"Burn you bestias inferni" I yelled into the air.

I threw the ball full speed crashing dead center of the beasts and imploding on it self and tripling size yet again to wipe out all of the beast, the explosion was a bit bigger than planned cause it sent me flying. As I flew through the air I did a back flip to land and I caught my balance on the tips of my toes breathing heavily and my cheeks cut up a little.

"The last time I don't judge size properly" I said to myself.

I looked around the now burnt crisp fields. I sighed to myself unsure if I killed my target or if he got away somehow.

"Guess ill return to the guild hall..."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2013 ⏰

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