Chapter 1: Eye Contacts of Awkward

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"You and I know

I had to leave
under the harbor lights

I could not see

That you were my rock,

Never My

Stepping stone"

The white haired male let out a soft sigh, looking into the vanity table mirror, he tucked the pointed ears under the soft blue beanie, his platinum blonde hair gently peaking out in a soft bump. He squinted at his appearance and slowly pulled out a soft grey eyeliner, gently lining his water lines. Smiling in approval when his vibrant blue eyes. He then turned to adjust his black polo letting out a soft annoyed sound at how much it happened to hang on him. But he wouldn't let that bother him, he clipped on the silver pin that said his name in lacy letters "Dollan"" Before turning and heading out the door of his first floor apartment, grabbing his keys along the way. Exciting the small apartment, turning, locking the door, then heading down to open the Coffee shop bakery he worked and mostly ran. The shops emblem glowed with the neon lights, Varic must've been there working in the back probably.

The sweet smell of warm pastries drifted out to the others nose, he smiled walking in. The overhead bell chimed and a short stocky man peaked out "Ahhh!!!! Dollan!" he snorted slightly "was wondering when you'd drag yourself in today!"

Dollan let out a throaty chuckle and set his bag under the front counter. "I have to run my shop at some point!" he teased looking over at the blonde dwarf " Dont you have the decency to button up your shirt at work!" he huffed ever so slightly looking at the golden curls of chest hair and the burgundy button up shirt. Varric let out a sheepish chuckle and turned back to the back kitchen buttoning up his shirt.

Dollan let out a cute snort and turned to turn on the coffee machines, letting the devices heat up for when someone ordered a coffee. After a few moments the door chimed and Dollans Attention turned from the smartphone to the man walking towards his desk. "good morning" Dollan chimed sweetly "What can I get you today?"

The man smirked slightly "Im guessing three hot ladies is a delicacy you don't have?" The man teased slightly. He wore a grin with incredibly white teeth and contrasted against his tan skin, his facial features were strong, Nose sharp, along with the jaw, well defined. He had a curled dark brown mustache that matched his dark brown hair which was shaved on both sides and groomed back. He had silver grey eyes that sparked with a flirtatious look. "Ill take-- a salted caramel mocha with the caramel drizzle and chocolate shavings" he hummed ever so slightly pulling out his wallet, "and a chocolate croissant when you guys have those."

"That'll be 6.89" Dollan mumbled typing into the cash register, the male handed him a 10 in cash "3.11 will be your change" Dollan hummed slightly and gave the appropriate change back before turning to the coffee machines "I'll have that out in a second" he mumbled "Varic we need a chocolate croissant "

Dwarf let a grunt from the kitchen and you could hear the oven start up its fan, and then the mixer with the chocolate sauces. making the filling.
In that moment Dollan was starting with the coffee brewing the beans forthing the coffee, His eyes, of course drifted to the male, those sharp features were extremely distracting. Of course the man probably had no interests, he did ask for hot ladies. Dollan let out a soft laugh to himself, are you falling for a customer Dollan? How desperate have you become? The elf shook his head a bit and finally got the coffee to start, getting the males drink and the cup.

Like all Presteigne hipster coffee shops, the logo was self designed and one of a kind, It had a symbol that looked like an egyptian eye with the flames of the sun around it. the top flame and bottom being the hilt and blade of sword. This was Dollans and Varric's Special rune, they used it on everything. It was sort of how you knew people in these towns, you knew who owned with what by how many times their runes showed up on things. Dollan drew a soft smiley face on the cup and wrote Thanks for coming before handing the cup over.

The customer gave a soft nod moving to a table in the back where he had pulled out a laptop from a bag and started working. This gave Dollan a chance to sneak into the back and just squeal at Varric.

Which he had done exactly that.

"What do you mean?!" Varric muttered trying to get more out of "Eee and cute" out of the white haired male.

"He's really cute!!!!!!" Dollan squealed in a hushed voice " He has an amazing accent, and his eyes just-- Hnnnggg" The males face turned dark red and he adverted his blue eyes from Varric's "I wish he was into me" He muttered softly the vibe from earlier going away. Of course Dollan had just met the man, but something about him screamed at the man's heart.

Varric rolled his eyes, "bring him his pastry ask some questions" the shorter mumbled shoving the paper bag into Dollans chest.

He nodded slowly escaping the kitchen and heading to the table the other had chosen to sit at, slowly setting the bag down and offering a smile. "So-- What are you working on?" he inquired tilting his head slightly.

"porn" the male teased

Dollans face went red as a tomato and he bit his lower lip.

"I'm kidding, It's a project, Graphic engineering, " He said smiling, " I must say- Since you know my name from my order, May I have yours?"

Dollan went stiff then motioned to the silver badge that read Dollan letting out a stiff laughter " It's Dollan, nothing fancy about it, No rs to roll."

"well Look at us, Dollan and Dorian, both D O's"

"the do guys" Dollan commented thinking about how they both worked.

This of course made dorian curious, Do guys sounded different it sounded like "Hello yes may I have a piece of your ass-- I Do Guys" He let out a soft smirk "Do Guys" he repeated with a strong emphasis on Do.

Dollans face once again became a bright shade of read and he let out an embarrassed grin rolling his head back "Ohhhh Godsss okay" he whined slightly looking back at Dorian who was giving him a cocky grin.

The male let out an awkward laugh rubbing the back of his neck "okay, well... If you need anything" he gestured to the counter slowly walking back to sit on the stool and read a bit before more people came in.


The rest of the day was busy, people coming in and out, ordering things and eating, using the free hotspot. The usual thing that happened, except for the fact that Dorian was still there hanging out in the corner an occasional glance towards Dollan. Which of course made the white haired males cheeks turn bright red.
Varric eventually came out of the back and claimed a firm hand over dollans shoulder " You should go talk to him again take your break I'll call cole and sera in early" He smiled slightly.

Dollan nodded a bit then shuffled back to the corner sliding himself into the seat across from Dorian, But not saying anything awkward!

"Back for more" the accent purred. Dollans cheeks heating up again

"you looked lonely"
" Ah its a shame how true that was, but now that I have gained you back at the table" Dorian smirked. Which of course sent Dollan into a blushing fit.

"Youre a serious flirt" he pouted ever so slightly "Do you flirt with everyone"
"Only those who I find attractive enough"

Dollan rolled his eyes covering his cheeks "So you think I'm attractive,"

"With those bright blue and green eyes, that white hair, those piercings, that adorable smile, That button nose" Dorrian smirked a bit "youre simply an angel Sent to guide me back to the Fertile land"

Dollan shook his head ever so slightly and tugged the beanie over his ears a bit more "I'm not an angel Thats for sure... But maybe I can offer you dinner somewhere--- That isn't my own Cafe?"

Dorian gave of a genuine smile " And I thought I was going to be the one to ask the first date, well -- that is if this is a date, Perhaps a friendly meet?"

Dollan flushed a bit "it's... Well.. Its whatever you want it to be"

"Perhaps a date-- If you're so interested"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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