N x male reader/team plasma grunt

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((This is going to be the in the time of the first b/w I guess so team plasma hasn't been defeated and n still lives with ghetes-spelling ?,oh and not this one because N,I'm trying to do more comical writing some time like put in jokes and add sarcasm -wonderful wonderful sarcasm- so I'll begin,and recently I haven't been writing because I just don't feel like,oh I just came down with an illness of who gives a crap,but all that aside I'll write the story now stop complaining and I don't care THT the picture isn't relevant ))

N's point of view

I've just turned fourteen recently and my father is excited for next year when I am to hold the title of king and keep the throne,I usually stay outside most of the time playing with the beloved pokemon around the castle but although I am not good with other humans there is the one that seems to catch my eye,I haven't been able to talk to him yet but something about him makes me,happy but idk I'm not good with human emotion,I was cut of by a plasma grunt,"N sir your father would like to see you in his office" the grunt said with the normal tone of dullness all grunts have.i just nodded and walked to my fathers office,I knocked on the door after a while because I had heard an unfamiliar voice behind the door so I didn't know if I was intruding but I knocked nonetheless,it took a bit but then the talking stopped and footsteps could be heard getting closer and closer to the door,then it opened and I saw his face,he had beautiful (e/c) eyes,his hair was (h/l) and a wonderful shade of (h/c),I couldn't help but stair."hello sir N" he said as he opened the door wider so I could see my father smiling at me as he was sitting in his office chair,"okay grunt you are dismissed".i felt something,wrong when he said,grunt doesn't he deserve to be called by his name."wait may I get your name" I said turning to stop him before he left,he was shorter the me so he had to look up just a bit but something about looking into his eyes,it was like looking in the eyes of a baby zoru ((spelling? ACHOO sorry again case of who gives a crap)) "my name is (y/n) (l/n)" he said before smiling at me and silently spinning around to take his leave,I closed the door and sat down in the chair on the opposite side of the desk my father was at "so dad what did you want to tell me" I said looking at his still smiling face,"well I have two things to say,for one I hope you're getting ready to become king and,about that (y/n) I decided to make sure he would visit you every day at 8:30 every morning and leave at 11:30 ((am))"I was very happy that he would visit me because I really want to know what this feeling is,I mean I already have a general idea but I'm not,quite sure."okay is that all" I said trying to hide my excitement and smile.he just shook his head and smiled indicating that that was all he wanted so I got up and quickly left to go to my room,I stopped right before I was about to go though my doorway when I heard someone taking which is weird because the grunts usually never come near this hall,I looked over to the left where a balcony was overlooking the view of unavo ((sorry if I'm wrong idk where the castle is in b/w I've only played b2)) and there he was,he was wearing a black grunt outfit ((the black ones weren't in b/w ? But i don't like the old ones)) i slowly approached him,a rapped his shoulder and he jumped turning around,"oh hi sir I was just looking at the pokemon,I'm sorry I'll get back to work now" he said quickly rushing off somewhere else, I tried to stop him buy it was to late he was gone,I looked down at the pokemon below the balcony,it was a minico,it was playing with a ralts((idc if ralts is not in unavo leave me alone jk I want u all to comment I like hearing what u have to say unless it's negative sorry I'm getting of track now back to the story 🌀-warping to story )) .sigh. I wish he wouldn't run off, well at least I get to talk to him tomorrow,

((Me-let us skip to morning shall we
You maybe-but I don't wa-

N's point of view

I woke up and looked at the time it was 8:14,oh my arceus he'll be here in 16 minutes,I quickly got in my black pants and white shirt I combed my hair and put on my necklace,I also cleaned up the place,I want to make a good impression,I was about to finish folding a blanket when I heard a knock on my door"h-hello N,this is (y/n) I was,um told to visit you between 8:30 and 11:30 I don't know exactly what your father wanted me to do but,do u wish for me to come in" he said with his wonderful (deep/high voice just saying when I write x male unless it's requested then the reader is most likely the uke (not dominant in the relationship )) I quickly opened the door and pulled him inside,I shut it and sat down on my bed,I held out the ralts that he was looking at,it was shiny and it seemed to adore (y/n) by how it
Wanted him to hold it,I patted the spot on my bed that was by where I was,he sat down and blushed as I sat the ralts on his lap,I could tell he was a year younger than me,I inched a bit closer as i pet the ralts,"do u wanna see something cool" I said taking his hand expecting he would say yes I lead him to the back of my room,I took down a picture in the wall to reveal a passage,we crawled through the passage that led to a hidden grotto,there weren't any pokemon it was just a wide circle with a forest surrounding it there was a stream of water flowing bye and a big tree I'm the center of the grotto,"sir this is-","call me n please" I interrupted him but I can't stand being called sir."N,this is beautiful" he said looking at me, "(y/n) I need to tel"-it was his turn to interrupt "sorry n I need to go now"he said running to the passage and crawling through the passage that led to my room."wait,don't.go" I said getting up and picking up ralts and going back to my room.

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