A Dream of Death

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Wildstar looked around, and heard Killer screeching every curse word there was.

'Killer?' She thought.

"You're time is up, TRAITOR!" She heard DeathSong roar.

DeathSong dropped Killer, and all that was heard was Killer's skin being penetrated. Wildstar looked to see not only Killer, but her mother, father, brother, and her new friends and old pack mates, spikes through their bodies. Wildstar felt a tear slide down her face, and a spiked tail tap her leg.

"Well, care to join your friends?" DeathSong growled.

Before Wildstar could reply with a snarl, DeathSong reared up, then shoved Wildstar into Sharp Stone Gorge, and then blacked out.


Wildstar woke up screeching, waking up Taiga, WildSong, and Pterodactyl.

"What's wrong?" Taiga asked.

"We need to rally up the pack, and fast! We weren't the only ones that made it through the portal..." Wildstar said, looking out at the night sky.

"Why? Who else came? The GhostWings? Is Ark trying to get his revenge on you?" WildSong asked.

"No, the Dark Tribe, is back." Wildstar responded. Everyone there gasped with fear.

"B-b-b-but, DarkFang was killed by us!" Pterodactyl cried.

"No, he's alive. He said if I let him live, he wouldn't try to kill me in my sleep." Wildstar said, allowing her wings to droop.

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