Alastair's Story

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Okay, let me start out by saying, this is a love story, and no, there are no vampires or werewolves. There is no suicide at the end, nor does anyone die trying to save their loved one. There is not a single knight or princess, and there is no saving from dragons. Did I miss any stereotypes? Whatever, you get the idea. This is just the story of two people falling in love. Wow, that sounded a lot less cheesy in my head.

It was fall and I had a rough day at school. I was laying on a hill blanketed in fine tall grass. The only sounds were the grass rustling in
the cool breeze. I took a deep breath of that clean, cold air. I slowly closed my eyes. I relaxed and let my mind go blank. I slowly began to fade...
An out of the ordinary sound pulled me out. I rolled my head over to look to the source of the sound. A girl stood next to me. She was thin and kinda on the tall side. Her dark hair cascaded down her back. All in all, she was pretty, but still, I came here to get away from people.
"Not to be rude, but what are you doing here?" I asked her.
"Normally, I only come when it rains, but I felt like coming today for some reason," she explained. "Why are you out here?"
"I come here to clear my head from time to time. Why when it rains?" I asked, sitting up.
She came and sat next to me. "The hill is beautiful, and I love the rain. Not the pouring stuff that drenches you as soon as you step out the door, it's the light, refreshing drizzle that I love."
I nodded slowly. "Yeah, that stuff isn't bad."
"The great thing about this hill is that when it rains, it's always like that here. That's why I come here when it rains," she explained.
I nodded slowly. I turned to look out over the hill at the late sunset.
"It's getting kinda late, I should be going. Hope to see you again," she said, standing up.
"Yeah, it was nice talking to you," I said, standing.
She turned to look out at the sunset again and sighed. "The sunset is beautiful." She turned back to me and smiled sweetly.
I gave her a friendly smile and a waved goodbye.

I got back home, did my homework, made myself a quick dinner and went to bed. The usual. The next morning I went through my usual routine: got up at 5, showered, got dressed, ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast, brushed my teeth, and walked to school. I arrived at school and talked to some friends until the morning bell. The morning bell rung, and I walked to first period. The usual. So exciting right?
I was on my way to first period when someone said, "Oh, hey!"
Something very out of the usual.
I stopped and turned. To my surprise, the girl from the day before stood smiling at me.
"Oh, hey, uh, you're the girl from yesterday. What's up?" I asked.
She looked up to the overcast sky. "It's supposed to rain today, you should try going to the hill today. I'll probably go too," she said.
"Yeah, sure," I told her.
She beamed. "Great! We should meet up after school to talk."
"Sounds like a good idea," I agreed. "Where?"
"How about right here? Not hard to remember and it's right next to a gate," she suggested.
I nodded with a slight shrug.
"Great! We better get going or we'll be late. See ya!" she called with a smile as she ran to class.
I waved and walked to class. All I could think was, wow, my half asleep brain was way off target. Pretty? That was a bit of an understatement.
The end of the day rolled around and I waited for the girl at the place. She spotted me and waved.
"Hey!" she chirped. "Do you have any homework?"
"Nope," I said.
"Me neither, so we can head right over," she held out her hand and looked up at the sky, "I can already feel it starting to sprinkle. I'm Sophie by the way."

We arrived at the hill, and it was just like she said. A nice, light drizzle hung in the air, and I felt completely refreshed. I closed my eyes and looked to the sky, letting the tiny droplets fall lightly onto my face. I smiled and looked to her.
"What'd I tell you?" she said.
We stood enjoying the wonderful rain and scenery, but soon the drops became bigger and heavier. Before we knew it, it was pouring. I suppose now is as good a time as any to say that I was wearing a white t-shirt. My hair was plastered to my head, and a steady stream of water poured over my face. I wiped my face and saw that she was staring at my chest. I looked down and found my shirt was also plastered to my chest and, well, see through.
"Hey!" I cried. "Stop that!"
She looked up. "Sorry. Why would you wear a white shirt in the rain? It's going to get wet," she said.
"I wasn't planning on getting soaked in the rain today when I got dressed this morning," I said indignantly.
She laughed. "Here, my house isn't too far from here. You can stay there and dry off and wait for the rain to stop," she offered.
I smirked and accepted.

Alastair's storyWhere stories live. Discover now