Tom and Jerry

45 3 14

"Hyung.. are you ok?"

What is Beomgyu doing here?! And why the actual fuck would Soobin even let him in?!

"I-I'm fine."

He wasn't fine. And Beomgyu knew that. He went over to his bed before gently placing his palm on his forehead.

"Hyung you have a fever!"

Soobin went over to his bed and gasped as he saw the state Yeonjun was in. He had droplets of sweat running all over his face and the bed was covered in massive sweat stains.

Oh. My. God.


Yeonjun woke up the next day, his body was sore and he felt weak. Suddenly, he felt something on his bed. A soft bear? A big plushie? Wait.. A person?!

He jumped out of bed, only to see Beomgyu sleeping peacefully, all tucked in with his favourite blue blanket.

Nono.. this can't be real..

Before he could even do anything, the younger wakes up. He sits up before flicking his gaze to Yeonjun- shocked and.. flustered?

"Oh.. right. I slept with you."


"You.. slept with me?!"

The younger rolled his eyes before nodding annoyingly.

"You wouldn't let go of me."

And that was all it took for Yeonjun to run away and hide himself in the bathroom- his cheeks tomato red.

Ok Yeonjun calm down.. you just slept with a guy. But you're straight ok? Forever straight..



Meanwhile Beomgyu is still sitting in bed, his morning messy bangs scattered across his forehead. He didn't even have time to change into his pajamas last night.

After a couple minutes, the shower stopped so he finally got out of bed. He went to the wardrobe and opened it before realising that all his clothes were back at home.

Oh no.

"H-hey hyung! Is it okay if I use one of your clothes? Mine are back at home.."


"Y-yea go ahead."

The brown haired boy shrugged before grabbing a random hoodie from Yeonjun's wardrobe. Surprisingly, the older had a lot of clothes he liked. He silently glanced at the bathroom door, checking if the older was still getting ready- which he was.

Screw it.

Beomgyu started to dig through the older's wardrobe cheekily. His mind wowing every time he sees a shirt or hoodie he liked.

Woah! This shirt is so cool.. where did he get it? Omg I need this hoodie right now. And this- wait.. omg..

He held back his laughter as he pulled out a tom and jerry t-shirt from his wardrobe. It looked new so he must've bought it not long ago.

He likes tom and jerry? That's actually quite.. cute.

"Uh.. what are you doing?"

Beomgyu immediately turned around, only to be met by the older- wrapped in a towel.

"Can you move so I can get my clothes?"

"O-oh.. sure."

As he was grabbing his clothes for the day, he couldn't help but notice the shy smile on the younger's face. He looked really cute and small holding his tom and jerry shirt.


It is the weekend which means everyone gets to head out, go shopping, get some beauty sleep or even stay home watching movies.

As the three chois started heading out, they were met by a brown haired girl. She was dressed in a very revealing way, almost as if she was trying to seduce someone?

"Yeonjun hyung! I was just coming over to invite you to my birthday party."

The pink haired boy wanted to run away as far as he could. Why won't she leave him alone?

"No thanks, Yuna."

Before he could walk away, the girl had already shoved an invitation letter in his hands.

"I'll see you there!-"
"Wait! Can I come too?"

The girl turned her gaze to Soobin before nodding excitedly.

"Of course! The more the merrier."

With that, she skipped out of the hallways, whistling a pop song.

Beomgyu stared on the floor. Something in his chest didn't feel right. It felt uncomfortable. It felt like anger? It felt like anxiety? It felt like jealousy?

She sat with him in class too.

He hardly talks to girls.

She must be really special to him..

Yeonjun- who was silently observing the younger, couldn't help but notice his slight change in expressions.

"You okay?"

"Y-yea I'm fine."

"You don't look fine. Tell me."

"It's nothing really."

The older sighed before pulling out his invitation, thinking that the reason for his sudden mood change was because he wasn't invited.

"She wanted to invite you too. We can go together. Yea?"

The brown haired boy looked annoyed. I mean sure, he was slightly bothered when the girl didn't even bother to look at him because she was all starry eyed for Yeonjun. But it wasn't the main reason, and what's funny is that he couldn't even figure out the reason himself.

What the hell is going on with me?


Part 16✅
Idk y'all.. this chapter I kinda just don't really like. I think it's a bit more confusing but yea. Anyways next chapter soon hopefully😚😴
Here's a lil quizzz (for fun only)🐬💗
Enhypen or Stray kids?🧐
Your bias in Illit?🤧
Your fav yeongyu fic name? (I need a new book to read lol🥹)
What other ships do you like in txt?🫣😱
Bye y'all!💗💗

It's Not Hard as Long as Long as It's With You l Yeongyu ffWhere stories live. Discover now