I don't get it. Everyone always fantasize about crazy love stories and happy endings, but they never happen.
Why waste your time on it?
All the stories you will read will be about the girl who doesn't see she's beautiful until the mysterious boy with the troubled past comes and tells her so. Then throughout the story they will go through some pretty weird but exotic shit together and they will go through some drama, the story will climax, they will almost separate (or are almost separated, but "love finds a way" -_-) and in the end they end up together. Always is pretty predictable.
I'm sick of it. Come up with something new.
How about we start telling the truth to ourselves? There is no true love. There is just love.
And most of us teenagers don't lead all that exciting of lives. The most excitement we get is in bed...on our phones reading stories not ike this one.
I am not afraid to admit that I could very well be a vampire! I avoid windows, burn when in direct sun and indirect sun (hense avoiding windows), drink scotch all day and have a funnel with a long tube connected to it that runs from me to the toilet. I have mini fridge arms reach away (with a microwave on top) and the TV remote, phone charger and ear buds on the bedside table.
Yup, that's me.
Only leaving my room in case of emergencies.. (eg. I have to shit, I'm all out of food in the mini fridge, drank all the alcohol, or my - not so best friend - comes to drag my pathetic lazy fat ass out of the house for a week or two).
Just kidding. I'd probably be dead if it weren't for her.
I don't actually drink scotch and I don't have a funnel or tube. I wish I had a mini fridge and a microwave in my room. This is based off of future me not current me.