Part 1

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(Marks P.O.V)
Ugh! I'm so tired. It's been a long day at Indy Pop Con. I can't wait to get back to the hotel and go to sleep on my nice, comfy, relaxing bed..."Hey, Mark! We are going to go to Dave n Busters! You know, play some games have a few drinks, so I can beat all of you guys with my BOSS gaming skills", Jack yells in my face. "Suurrreee Jack. You can TOTALLY beat my pro skills in games. I've never lost at a game before, you know", I say, rolling my eyes. "Um...I disagree", Wade smirks evilly. Instantly all of the memories of us playing Mole Hammers together flood back into my head. "...Shut up, Wade", I spat, folding my arms with a pout on my face. The rest of the group begin to laugh. It's not funny! I swear he cheated somehow! HACKS!!! HE USED HACKS!!! Ugh, whatever. It looks like I'll just need to show them who's BOSS... I mean...PRO. YEA! I'll just have to show them who's PRO! Ugh...Why am I the laughing stock today anyways?! The laughing stock is supposed to be Wade, not me! We always annoy him. Why me today?! OH LORD WHY M- "... Mark? Um...hello? Mark?",  Bob says, waving his hands in from of my fave, snapping his fingers occasionally. "...huh? What?", I question. "We're here. We've been here for five minutes, but you were in a daze. Are you ok?", Jack asked. "Yea! Uh...yea! I'm fine! Really!" I say, waving my hands in reassurance. They all eyed me suspiciously until Wade put that stupid smirk back on his face. "What?", I asked.  "You were thinking about us teasing you, weren't you?", he chuckles. "...shut up, Wade.", and, once again, the whole group laughs. "Whatever! Can we just go inside and play already?! Geez!", I yell in frustration. "Yea sure, you big blubbering baby.", Bob says flatly, causing Wade and Jack to laugh even harder, up to the point where they were almost on the floor. "I AM NOT A BIG BLUBBERING BABY!", I yell, pouting... And now they're on the floor. "Seriously, can we just go inside?!", I yell. This is getting really  old. "Ok, ok. C'mon guys, get it together.", Bob says, standing up. Jack and Wade sigh but get up anyways. We all walk inside Dave n Busters, to be filled with pure rage screams, shooting noises, clapping, cheering, race cars, and many more noises. (A/N don't think wrong...). I instantly notice a four player air hockey. PERFECT! This is the opportunity for me to beat all 3 of them with my PRO gaming skills! "Guys, look! 4 player air hockey! Lets go play that", I smile. "...dude, we need to get our coins first". I physically facepalm and whisper "duh", to myself. I could be so stupid at times! The group just chuckles and walks in the line to get the tokens.

(Time skip because Barney is creepy af)

Once we all receive our tokens, we walk up to the four player air hockey machine. We all put our tokens in the machine. "Are you ready, Mark?", Jack asks me. "Ready is my middle name", I reply with a smirk on my face. "Really? I thought your middle name was Edward", Wade said, with a fake innocent face. "Shut. Up. WADE!", I yell, which once again, causes the whole group to go bonkers. I begin to chuckle a little. I got to admit, it was a little funny... But only a little.

Time skip because spongebob lives under the sea)

Once the group calmed down, I grabbed the puck and set it down. I begin a countdown "!", I yell, hitting the puck. Somehow, the puck bounced off against Jacks goal and made it into mine. "NO! I REFUSE! Let's pretend that never happened", I state, grabbing the puck. "!", I yell, slamming the puck again.

Bob, Wade, and Jacks P.O.V

Oh Jesus...this is going to be a long, long night.


SO THAT IS MY FIRST CHAPTER! I hope it's ok...plz no hate XD and leave a comment on how I did plz. And the next chapter will have the readers P.O.V on how she ended up at Dave n Busters. Then, after that, the third chapter will be a switch between marks P.O.V and (Y/N) 's P.O.V. K? K! Byeeeeeeeee :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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