Chapter one

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Rachel POV
Another day, another life I wish to live. Why you ask? Well because mine sucks. I live in a village where I'm a joke, because my father was. My mother died so no one to keep him from old habits. He left as soon as she died when I was eight. I've been on my own since. I live with Quinn Fabray and Santana Lopez. They let me move in with them when they found me bunking at the pub when I was fifteen. I had started working there at age twelve. Before that I was on the street, where no one would take me in. Santana had built the house with her brother and father before they were murdered by her suicidal mother. Quinn broke in after her sister ran away with her new boyfriend and her mother and father had left to look for her, only they never came back. All three of us have suffered the lost of parents, so we've stuck by too each other since they found me. I still work at the pub, I need the money if I'm ever going to leave this rotten town. Santana sells at the market and Quinn works in the palace. We need the money and don't see each other till the mornings when see have to get ready for work.

Finn POV
I live in a big palace with a big yard and a big gate. The gate is suppose to protect me from anyone trying to break in, but sometimes I feel like they use it to keep me in. My bros Sam and Puck always try to take me into town with them to a pub. But my mother always seems to interfere before I answer. Although now that I'm turning twenty I am to find an eligible girl to be the new queen and rule with me, so my mom let's me go out more. She sets up more grand balls to find some girls for me. But she needs to understand I want to find true love, not a true match to her standers. I want to marry for love, not profit and image, like she wants. I have everything but that, love. Sure, girls fawn over me wherever I go, but they don't know me, the real me. My mother wants to throw a ball tomorrow and invite every eligible women in town to find me a bride. I am not looking forward to it, but I am looking forward to tonight. The boys and I are going to the local pub.
Back with Rachel
"RACH! Did you here?" Quinn yelled excited
"We finally have money?" Rachel asked taking out the haystack from her hair
"I wish, prince Finn is visiting town, right now!" Quinn screamed
"Great" I said unenthusiastic
"Look it's my day off can we please head to town to see him?" Quinn asked gripping the newspaper

Quinn thinks she's destined to marry prince Finn and become queen. Rachel could care less about a spoiled rich prince. In fact she despised Finn, he has everything and has the power to do anything he wants, something Rachel will never be able to do.

"Pleaseeeeee!!!!!!!" Quinn persisted
"Ugh, fine! If it gets you to shut up, plus I can head to work early and maybe get off early" Rachel answered
"Eeekkkk, let me brush my hair" Quinn said running to get her good comb

They may be in rags but that doesn't stop Quinn from trying to look pretty.
In town
Rachel walked with Quinn into town to find a huge group of girls huddled around a horse carrying Prince Finn. He was smiling and waving at everyone. He had companions, one was blonde and the other has a Mohawk. Rachel just rolled her eyes at how desperate some of these girls were. Finn took notice.
"Listen Q, I'm going to go find San at the flea market and help her, be safe" Rachel said walking toward the surprised station of Santana Lopez.
Rachel arrived to Santana's booth
"Need help?" Rachel asked
"Yes! Tons of it!" Santana exaggerated

Rachel just laughed at her dramatic friend

"I just wish people would buy some of our fruits and vegetables" Santana said
"It's cause no one wants to buy it from the town joke and the town"
"Whore" Santana finished sounding defeat

Santana was accused of adultery and was rumored to have slept with anyone who paid her. But they were all lies spread by the town gossip Tina. They have no life so they snoop around everyone's else's, it's annoying because people actually believe them.

"Quinn drag you to see him" Santana said restocking the fruit
"Yup, had to get away, didn't want to catch snob" Rachel answered pulling out the rotten food
"Oh come on Rae, you don't like him at all?" Santana asks smirking
"Nope! Plus Quinn already called him remember?" Rachel laughed
"You Rachel are a saint, practically the only girl who doesn't flaunt over him" Santana said laughing as well
"And you" Rachel said
"But I'm in love with someone else, you don't have an excuse" Santana answered

She fell in love with a millers daughter, Britney. It's against the law to love your own gender, punishable by death. That's why Santana is so bitter, she can't love who she wants. That's also what bugs me, Prince Finn has all this power to defend the homosexuals and disadvantaged, and yet he does nothing.

"You got me there" Rachel said
Both girls laughed. The sun was setting, which meant time for Rachel to go to work.
"Listen I have to get going, but I'll see you tomorrow" Rachel said restocking fruit
"Go, go! I'll handle this, don't want you being late again" Santana said shooing her away
"Be Safe!" Rachel called out running as the sun set faster

Her rags and ripped shoes were no help. Her shift at the pub starts right before the sun sets, if she's late, her boss makes her show more cleavage. Which Rachel hates, her boss Dave sucks. Rachel runs and can barely get passed the crowd of girls because Finn is signing stuff for the desperate girls. She gets frustrated and pushes quickly. Finn signs a girls badge but notices Rachel struggling so he moves as far away from her, even if he's completely drawn to her.....

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