Unforgettable Memories (_NConcepcion1)

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It was 12 o'clock midnight, when I woke up to the sound of a door slam. I slowly creeped my way downstairs, as I peered out the living-room window, to only see my parents arguing. But this time it was different. My eyes widened in horror, when I saw my dad make his way over to the car,carrying all of his belongings.

I was just six then. I thought my dad was just going on a trip and comeback in a week or so like he usually did. I'm 16 now, my mom's drinking had gotten worse, and she had taken all of her anger out on me and the guys she had and didn't want anymore. My life had turned the complete opposite since that day.

Chapter 1

It was a weekday and I had to get prepared for school. I shut my alarm clock off, then quickly hopped off of my bed. I made my way downstairs into the kitchen, helping myself to some breakfast. Cereal, as usual. I heard a small groan, just as I entered the living room to turn the tv on. I stood there to see my mom passed out on the couch. Empty beer bottles were scattered all over the floor, and everything was a mess. That was what I woke up to mostly every morning. Ever since my dad left, my mom's life had just fallen apart. I always had to be the responsible adult in the house. I cooked us meals whenever I was told to, I did my regular chores, I had to look after my mom, its a whole lot of responsibilities for just a 16 year old.

I walked towards my mother,slowly poking her shoulder to see if she was awake. No signs. I immediately got up and I made my way back to the dining table to finish up the remaining food on my plate. I'd say that I'm  not  that good of a  cook.


I spent the rest of the afternoon in my bedroom laughing all alone to my favorite tv show. SpongeBob of course.

I snapped out of my thoughts, when I heard the loud roar of thunder outside of my bedroom window. I rested my head against the window sill, watching the rain pour drip..by..drip. I hated this weather, it brought bad memories to me. Memories that I wished  to not remember.


"Mom.....wh-when will dad come home?" I cried, resting my head against her shoulder.

The words in my head struggled to come out of my mouth. I had the feeling of mixed up emotions building up inside of me. Confusion, and anger, I just didn't know what to think of then.

"Your dad won't be coming back Allyson."

I didn't bother listening to what she said then. I still had hope into seeing my dad again. I had hope that he'd come back home, but I was wrong. As I grew up, things started to make sense to me. My dad leaving, my mom constantly drinking...I finally understood everything. If only I knew then, I could've at least tried to stop him from leaving,but now I've accepted the fact that he was gone, and that I'd never see him ever again.


I woke to the sound of my alarm clock beeping, as I immediately shut it off. I hated Monday mornings. I soon had to get ready for school, as I took a shower, then got dressed as usual. I hated my school. John Hughes High-school is probably one of the worst schools I've ever went to so far. Everyday I'd get bullied, and get picked on, I never look forward to going to school. In the end of the day, I'd always just end up being miserable. The teachers in the building don't really care much of what goes around in the school.


As soon as I entered my homeroom, everyone's eyes turned to face me. I awkwardly made my way towards an empty seat, and buried my face into my hands. Why did people stare at me like this? I ignored the fact that half the class was staring at me. The teacher immediately started talking, and I paid my full on attention to what she was saying. Mrs.Anderson is my favorite teacher in the school building. She actually likes to communicate with us students, and she cares about our learning. The rest of the teachers don't really care.

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