Just the two of us.

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So,there she was, back in Storybrooke, standing on the Jolly Roger, staring at the sea. She was happyto be here, since she lives with her parents and doesn't really have her ownplace.

Killian walks up to her and stands behind her. He kisses her cheek."What are you thinking, love?" he whispers in her ear. Emma turns around so shecan look at him. 'It's just nice to be back, to be here, just the two of us.' Killiansmiles. He was thinking the exact same thing. 'I know, it is. I mean youparents are nice but we can't really... you know.. be intimate.' Killian isblushing. Emma smiles, he is so cute when he is ashamed. "Don't be ashamed, Iunderstand. We had to wait a long time.' Says Emma as she steps near to him.She looks into his beautiful eyes, they are shining. She smiles.

'Is theresomething funny, love?' asks Killian when he sees the bright smile on her face. "It is just so good to see the happinessin your eyes, they're shining brighter than ever." Killian blushes again. Notbecause she knows that he is really happy, but because she made him happy. "Andyou're the reason love.." Killian smiles and pauses "And I am kind of glad thatthe Jolly Roger is back too" Emma laughs and kisses him. He is so funny.

Shelooks into his eyes again, Emma sees that Killian wants her and she wants himto. Killian kisses Emma softly. The kiss is getting more passionate and he lifts her up. He walks to the captain roomand shuts the door behind him.

He pushes her against the wall, looks at her andsays; 'You're so beautiful Emma, I am so proud to say that you're mine... ' Hekisses her neck and lays her down into the bed. "So this.. is really.. going tohappen.." Emma says, while having trouble breathing and trying not to make any weird noises. "I guess it is, love" Killian answers. Just at the momenthe wants to kiss her again, Emma's phone rings.

"Sorry love, it's Henry, I haveto answer it, there might be something wrong". "Hey kid, is it something important,'cause I am kind of busy.." "Mom, can you please come to clocktower?" "What? Why? What are you doing there?" "It doesn't matter, please just come..""But Henry...". He isn't on the phone anymore. Emma looks at Killian, he looks worried. "Wehave to go to the clocktower" Killianlooks confused. "What? Why?" "I don't know, but we have to go, now. I thinkHenry might be in trouble."

[So this was the first chapter! Don't worry, there are many more to come! I hope you enjoyed it! Do you like it so far? (I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes).]

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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