False pretense

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Can I trust them ?

I like them, but when I come back for them, they don't care.
When I don't, they come back for me.
Their behavior is unpredictable, they either talk to me or to what I represent for them. A calm, nice and quiet girl, with good grades.
And sometimes, I wonder if they hang out with me only to have someone to listen them to, or to stay with the version of me they like to see.

I hate them, I hate being taken for a fool while I'm much more than that. I hate being taken for the perfect but weak one. I hate their "jokes" even if it's just a game for them. I hate when they act shocked when they see the real me.
Sorry, I'm not only what you think I am.

But I know they are not mean, they don't mean to make me feel like that. At least, I think...and I hope. But still, I feel like I'm egotistical to think that. Maybe they are only clumsy and don't understand I don't find that funny. Or maybe they both mean it and I'm really a fool.
Because in the end, I will come back for them.
Should I talk to them about it ?

Should I trust them ?


Je me suis essayée à écrire un texte en anglais, et j'en suis plutôt fière !
Je suis fan de la structure du texte qui montre assez bien ce que je voulais transmettre aussi, mais je vais probablement arrêter de me jeter des fleurs-

A vous de répondre à la question à la fin ;)

Pour ma part, j'ai la réponse. 

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