,"Seeing my girl, I felt as if I had found the universe , I am fucking right , jungkook......
," Seeing his gentleness ,Silent romance and caress , respect for me, I fell in love with him , YN......
After Three years later.......
,"After seeing her...
Because I don't want anything to happen to Jungkook, even your family thinks that we are both wife and husband, They all don't know that we are both divorced, if they all come to know then they will be heartbroken, she said while YN lick her lips nervously Because she understands that Ishan did not understand anything.
,"held on YN One day they all came to know that we both had got divorced so, And what would have happened to Jungkook because of this, he asked confusedly ,"I want you to come with me to Paris Because your father killed my papa because I told you about him He got me married to you forcibly Yes ishan He killed my father and now I don't want him to do anything to Jungkook too, Yn said while crying .
ishan grabbed her hand,"please forgive me my father is making mistakes , sorry mistake is a small word but he has committed a crime, I will make sure that he never comes into your life again and nothing happens to Jungkook either, he promise her but YN does not agree with him.
,"No Ishan, I will not make the same mistake with Jungkook's life that I made with my father, so Please, this is my request to you that you will not say anything to your father and you will come to Paris with me Please this is my request to you, she requested him but Ishan is silent.
,"ishan You told me that you are my friend, can't you do this for me ,I don't want to stay here ,everything here is bothering me, I am remembering my father here ,I can't live like this , please ishan, she said while sobbing ,"okay YN I will come with you, don't cry I can understand your pain ,I know what phase you are going through, he said while wiped her tears ,"thank you Ishan, she said
,"You don't need to say thanks to me, It's not your fault, it's all my father's mistake ,Now you eat your food and take some rest, he said and YN nodded then Ishan goes away from the room. Next morning.
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,"Ishan, is it important for you to go to Paris, ishan's mother asked while cupping his face,"yes maa it is important to go there,Now let us go, it is time for our flight, bye mom, he said Then he kissed her forehead, Yn touched her feet ,"god bless you Yn please take care of Ishan, you too, she said as YN nodded.
,"Ishan don't go, his father said ,But to avoid him he goes away from there and Ishan's mom walks behind him ,"You look so innocent and you are a very clever and cunning girl, You pushed my son away, he said while gritting his teeth in anger,"You also look very sweet but you are also poisoned, As you did, you also pushed my Jungkook away from me , bye papa ji, I make sure that you never get to meet your son again, Yn said while smirk then she is going away from there and Both of them go to Paris from there.
FLASHBACK END ****************
,"When I reached Paris, I told Ishan about my pregnancy, I couldn't do anything properly without you I miss you so much, she said while crying, Jungkook could have seen how much she had suffered,"I am sorry baby You endured the pain there and you endured the pain by staying with me too , I am so sorry baby, he said while crying