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I sit at my desk anxiously waiting for the bell to ring.A note is passed to me I read it carefully "your dead meat after this class i am going to punch you kick you and give you a wedgie Freak show.blaine

I have a glance around the room until I lock eyes with Blaine Robertson I rewrite the note and pass it back to him.
"You're dead meat after this class I'm going to punch and kick you and give you a wedgie Freak show.

I know I just signed my death certificate now because nobody ever corrects Blaine but I couldn't help it I hate seeing bad grammar.

Finally the bell rings I run out as fast as I possibly can for all I know Blaine could be right behind me I walk to my locker Zack is waiting for me "hi" said zack "hey"I reply out of four hundred people in this school he is my only friend "wanna hang out later"said zack "sure"says Alex.

Me and Zack were different lets just say we're smarter than 95% of the school including teachers.

Just incase you didn't notice me and Blaine aren't the best of friends because honestly his the Doom to my superman the joker to my batman the red skull to my captin America....I know I'm a geek.

But it wasn't always like this me and Blaine we were friends not just friends best friends all the way through middle school well I guess people change

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