Week 2 Topic (Due Apr Sat 20: UTC 1 A.M)

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Firstly, we'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone for participating in week one's challenge! The results will be posted in two days so never fear! Meanwhile, we've decided to get you started on week two's challenge! So, here it is!

What do you determine a book by? It's cover? What about the description? We've come to realize that a good description is what draws a reader in and not always a fancy cover.

Your challenge this week is guess what?

That's right! Description writing!

But with a twist!

For this challenge, you'll be paired with another person whose job is to write a description (descriptive summary) of ONE of your stories! Now, you'll both have to act as mentors to each other in ensuring that the description of your story is up to par! Even if you haven't read your partner's story, this is a chance to! You don't have to read it all to be able to write the description, you just have to have the basic concept of the story. 

Let's get working everyone! Comment the URL of any work of yours along with it's title and genre if you interested in this week's competition. We will pair you guys up on the comments below here so be checking your feed and this chapter to see who your partner is! When the deadline next comes, PM us a grade out of ten of how the co-operation was with your partner and how they described your piece and its potential and we will average our grade with your grade. Have fun everyone and May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour! lol )<< Can anyone tell where that was from? lol)

 Good Luck! 

Now here are the pairs (so far)!

Judge: @CloudedHurt

1. sparksfly99 and MarshallConstantine

2. miznalvi and CandyyCane

3. Cutebubble and SeargantGoober

4. TheEnternal and @Darynn_

Judge: @purplesniffles23

1. Jolienne and murraylee 

2. LiveLoveLaughLearn and sharky79

3. DarkLight911 and pikimonchu 

4. lovelysierranoel and apagado 

Judge: @weloveZHY

1. EasyComeEasyGo and rosegraffini 

2. chocofreak97 and lydiad55

3. LeannePSmith and President2036 

Judge: @SummerHayz

1. InTheRain_ and ZoedLX

2. True_Colours and APicturePerfectMe

3. Mistwalker and bookworm10101

4. AzUrAmOon  and MitchSgh

Guys, your descriptions are not to be long. It should be 300 words maximum. When you're finished with the description and both you and your partner/ mentor are satisfied, post it in your contest book and comment the URL (link) in the comments below. Also, your story does not have to be a finished piece!



Thanks to @Mistwalker for the cover on the side!

iBreakout Weekly Writing CompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now