Have you ever............?

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Have you ever been so afraid to loose something or someone?

I have one after another people or things in my life that just keep fading.

Inside I feel scared and like crying .

To be honest sometimes I do cry because I just can't hold it in any more.

On the week of my birthday my dog had to be put down .

Now one of the most important people in my family and my life might pass away soon.

What does a young girl do???

I just don't understand,life is just coming too fast.

I don't know if I can take it.

Why is all of this happening to me?

Even though it's hard to understand I know that God has a perfect plan .

We're not promised another day.

We should be ready to go at all times.

If you were to die today do you know where you would go?

I know that I would go to Heaven.

Not because of good works or that I'm a good person.

Things like that can't get you into heaven.

In the Bible Jesus (God's only son) says...

"I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the father except through me."

In other words the only way to Heaven is to pray and ask Jesus into your heart.

I asked that very question when I was six years old.

Ever since I never wished I hadn't,and I had real happiness.

And ever since I've known that everyone in my family will be there.

God doesn't say that we won't suffer on the earth.

When people die they either go to Heaven or to hell.

Heaven is a wounderful place with golden streets.

You'll never be sad in Heaven ,no more tears crying or pain.

Hell is a horrible place!

Hell is dark heat that will last forever you'll always be alone with no one else.

I know I'm going to Heaven when I die.....Do you???

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