Lay Me Down, And Tell Me Things Will Be All Right - SWS Fan Fiction

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Chapter 1

My head was painfully heavy when I woke up. It took me a minute to realize where I was, exactly. My surroundings became clearer, and I remembered that I was in my bathroom. Looking down, I saw my razor blade caked with dried blood and the bathroom tiles were splattered with drops of crimson. That's right, I thought to myself. This time I cut deeper than usual. I pushed myself off the ground with my hands and the pain from my wrists quickly accelerated.

I opened the cupboard and pulled out a towel and some gauze. After wrapping up my arm with the gauze, I got on my knees and started scrubbing the blood off the tiles with the towel I had used so many times before. I must've lost too much blood and passed out. I heard the front door downstairs open and slam close and started scrubbing faster and more vigorous. I felt my eyes stinging with tears when I heard uncoordinated and heavy footsteps gradually getting closer to my bedroom door.

"Violet! Violet, come here. Daddy wants you!" My dad's speech was slurred, a sure sign he'd drank too much again. I shrank back into the corner of my bathroom, praying that he would pass out drunk, or at least lose interest and go away. I curled up into a tight ball as my dad slowly opened the bathroom door. "Violet, why are you hiding from Daddy? Bad, bad girl..." I gagged when he spoke, the alcohol in his breath strong and disgusting. I put my hands over my face protectively while he crouched over me and smiled. "We'll have some fun, won't we Hun?"

I let out a small yelp when he dragged me to my feet by pulling on my dark blue hair. He breathed on my tear-stained face, still holding a bundle of my hair. I desperately dug my nails in his arms, a failed attempt to escape his grasp. I squealed again as he slammed my body against the wall, tracing his fingers along my waist. I turned my head away from his breath when I couldn't take the stench anymore. I tried to pry his hands away from my hips, but his grip on me was too strong.

I felt his slimy tongue trace my jawline and I flinched, squeezing my eyes shut. He tugged the top of my short cut jeans down with his free hand, then slid it up my shirt. His lips searched for mine, leaning into a sloppy kiss. I opened my eyes, and noticed the razor blade I had left on the floor. "Come on now Violet. Don't resist." I whipped my head around, surprising my dad, and bit the arm holding my hair. Hard. He took a step back, still processing my sudden movements, and I dropped down on the floor. Grabbing the razor blade, I stumbled to my feet and blindly swiped my dad. I rubbed my eyes and looked at him, who'd fallen on my bathroom floor, blood seeping from a shallow cut across his chest.

I jumped over him, closed the bathroom door, and put the back of a chair under the doorknob so that it wouldn't open. I grabbed my hot pink suitcase, stuffed as much clothes and shoes in it as I could, and got my large duffelbag. I filled the Blood On The Dance Floor duffelbag with all my valuables and put in my headphones. I turned the song to The Ballad Of Mona Lisa and grabbed my dad's wallet before I walked out the door.

Hey Guys!!! Thank you so much for reading my story! I <3 you guys. So, the pic on the right is Violet Samuels. I hope you like it! ^-^

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