CalL oF StAtIc

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Me and my mom were sitting in the living room watching TV at an unknown time. Suddenly one of our dogs could be herd howling outside, we told my stepfather to investigate. He came back saying that the dog was teared to shreads but still alive.then the lights grew dim and my mom's phone got a call from an unknown number. It read " 2354-786-8892". She picked it up but later hung up saying that no one was there. Then it called again,.. And again........ And again. But at the very last time I picked up. I waited on the phone for a while before a strange sound came through the phone. It sounded like clicking and low whispering and then waves of static in my ears. I was about to hang up when I heard clearly from the other end " I SEE YOUR YARD, I SEE YOUR DOGS, I SEE YOU!" I tore the phone away from my ear and looked at the number,it read " 1921-1921-1921" the call date was "04-01-1919". That is impossible,this is the 2000s. The phone rang again, I hesitantly answered it, again static before" I SEE YOUR PORCH, I SEE YOUR WINDOW, I SEE YOU! " I threw the phone down and glanced at the window. I was met with a pale white face of an unknown creature,it stared at me with soul piercing eyes. I closed my eyes, maybe it will be gone if I will it to be gone. I opened my eyes, its right in front of me. It smiled and said ".....I......SEE....... YOU!"

cAlL oF StAtiC( original creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now