You Were A Cute Kid

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3 Days Later

It was Friday morning and I had a live show to do in Florida, and seeing as I live in Tampa I decided to stay in my apartment rather than a hotel. I got up, went to the gym and left for the arena.


I sat eating my sandwich with Brie and looked around the almost empty room.
Dean Ambrose was again, sat a few tables away, staring at me with the same intrigued look in his eyes. It kind of creeped me out how he was always staring at me, I know most of the wrestlers were doing it yesterday but that was because I am The Undertakers daughter and they haven't done it since then, but as for Ambrose, he is still doing it. I just gave him a small smile and quickly looked away back at Brie.

Backstage at the WWE live event

I had a match against Naomi and won, thanks to the tombstone piledriver.
I was sat on a box looking at my lock screen photo, it was a picture of me as a baby, and my mum and my Dad at each side of me kissing my cheeks. It was from when my mum and Dad were together, which was about 23 years ago because they split up when I was 1.

I decided to leave to have an early night, as I was going for dinner with Nikki and Brie tomorrow after an interview I had.

I walked out into the parking lot and when I was about halfway between the arena and my car I heard someone shout my name.

I didn't recognise the voice until I turned around and saw Dean Ambrose jogging up towards me.
"Yes?" I asked warily.
"Here, you left this." He said handing me my phone. I took it cautiously.
With his unpredictability in the ring I didn't take any chances for anything whatsoever as I still didn't know what he was actually like out of the ring.

"How did you know this was mine?" I asked him.
"The picture, I saw your Dad and I knew that he wasn't here tonight so I guessed it must have been yours. You were a cute kid." He pointed out.
"Well, thanks." I said quietly.

I knew that he could sense my hostility as he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Whats wrong?" He asked quite abruptly.
"N-nothing." I stammered.
"You're not scared of me are you?" He asked looking concerned.
"N-no. Why would I be?" I said trying to sound confident.

A smirk spread slowly across his face and I knew he could tell that I was in fact a little bit scared.
"The Undertaker is your father, and I scare you." He stated sounding amused.
He looked at me, raised one eye brow whilst still smirking, and turned around to go back into the arena.

I stood there for a little while thinking about what he had said. It's not the fact that I am scared of him, it's more the fact that I don't know what he is like out of the ring and I am scared of that.
I shook it out of my thoughts and left for my apartment.

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