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Okay, okay. Hey everyone. Yes, I know I'm always putting these stupid notes before writing, but they're practically updates. Alright? So, yeah. I know that I'm always like; "Oh yeah, I'm working on this, this and this." But I'm really not writing anything at the moment, sorry. But it's summer, and I'm being a lazy butt. But it's not only that. I'm also kinda stressed. And that's for a good reason. I'm switching schools this year. You know when you finish middle school (or elementary, whichever you did) and you move on to high school? Yeah. That's happening for me this year. But that's not all of it. Last year was crap. It was horrible. It was so bad I missed most of the school year. So I'm stressing over this year. I'm going to the school everyone else is going to, the same kids from middle school. I had the option to go to a different high school, but being the stubborn person I am, I was like; "Nah. I'm going where everyone else is going." Which is stupid because I hated everyone in my middle school. But I guess I chose to go to that high school because it sounds like a good place, besides, I am not good with change of environment. Anywhere. And I don't want a repeat of moving at the end of elementary, and going to a middle school in a town I didn't even knew existed. At least this year I'm not moving anywhere, but I'm just saying, I don't want more years of school being all alone and being bullied. No one likes that. So I'm just stressed and worried about how is year will go. Also, I know I don't write much as it is, but high school means ten-times more homework. (Okay, maybe it's not that much more but you know what I mean.) But I write when I can or when I feel like it. So sorry for any inconvenience, especially if you read everything I write....

Anyways, I've had this idea in my head for quite some time and now I'm gonna write it. It's just the idea for the backstory for my OC, so it's nothing cannon... Okay, it's cannon for my character, but not for like, the game or anything, because my character is not in any of the Five Nights at Freddy's games, although it would be awesome if she was. So anyways to the point, Almatazz is my character. No one elses. I created her design and everything. So don't steal her. Almatazz is MINE. If I find anyone stealing her, I'm gonna be pissed. I don't need more s**t in my life, alright peeps? Thank you.

Anyways, my FNaF obsessive geeky side is 'bout to show it's self. And all of Almatazz's stuff in this story, and in general, belongs to me. And my mind. As I said, she is mine. I came up with her on my own. And let's put it this way. You've been through a lot in your lifetime, and you don't like to put up with crap anymore, and you were in this fandom you really love, and you come up with a character that you are very satisfied with, and you're just writing out the background story, then someone comes around and steals it. All of it. You wouldn't feel very good, would you? No. So that's my point. Don't steal someone's work, ideas, characters, ect. And don't give me crap like; "This is stupid" "Oh my god why did you write this?" "You're a horrible writer" ECT. Don't do that either. As I said, I'm done with people's crap.

So if you've read all this, and you understand, then you can go ahead and read on. I hope you like the story. I'm gonna really work hard on this one. If you still don't get it, re-read all that I wrote until you get it. If you're a complete dumb a** and still don't get it, I'll make it easier for you.

1- Don't steal my character, my story, or anything. And don't steal anyone else's either. In general, don't steal anything.
2- Almatazz is MY character. No one elses.
3- Don't put any mean comments or thoughts in the comment box. It's rude and I'm done with people being mean to me. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.
4- I am stressed and lazy, don't push me to write anything.
5- Don't judge me or my ideas. It may not seem like it sometimes but I put a lot of work into my stories.

There. Can you understand that? Hopefully you can. If you still do not understand *sigh* get a life and learn to read and understand what I'm saying. Thank you.

Now enjoy the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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