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fluttershy was walking down the roads of ponyvile a present in her sadle bag. she floated down the road to suger cube corner. there she would do it she would tell pinkie pie how she felt how from a distance she would dream being held in pinkie's hooves. 'but the time for dreams is over' she tought to her self 'its time they became realty it's time i...' she was cut off by the sight of sugercube corner's door. she got so cought up in her toughts that she dident notice the time had come for her to make good on her promise. she knocked on the door and the moment her hoove touched the door the fears she tried so hard to escape creept back up her spine. 'what if she says no what if she doesnt want to be freinds any more i can see it now shell..' the door opens. almost instantly a pinkie pops out and excitlying greets her freind. "hi fluttershy. i wasent expecting you today what brigs you here?" pinke squeeks out i her cute high pitched voice. "um..i uh wanted to have lunch with you..pinkie" fluttershy mutters. pinkie smiles and excitingly agrees with "i would love that flutters lets do it now. come on in" fluttershy walks in and gose to the table where pinkie is already sitting. she sits down at the seat next to the window the table is set consising of a plate with a small cake and a glass of tea on her side and a rather large cake and a milkshake infront of pinkie. pinkie dives into her cake and fluttershy takes a sip of her tea. "so why the sudden want to have lunch with my fluttershy?" pinkie asks behind the cake covering her face. fluttershy blushes her bangs move covering one eye she reches into her saddle bag and pulls out a box that she places on the table with her hooves shakeing with nervesness "i wanted to give this...pinkie pie" pinkie's eyes widened and she gasped with excitement at the tought of being given a present. "thank you fluttershy!" she yelled out as she graped the box. she opened the box as fluttershy's heart raced faster and faster as pinkie delved deeper and deeper into the box she found a pice of paper and a necklace with a silver chain and her cutie mark made of a light blue saphire same color as her eyes after gazeing at the gem she looked at the paper and began to red what was ritten on it as she did this fluttershy's heart was beating out of her chest so much it hurt she dident take a single breath as pinkie read the note. "pinkie pie i have found out that i love you i love everything about you i long for out going nature. your ability to say any thing to anyone. i am amized by your cute puffy mane and most of all i enjoy gazing into you shimering crystal eyes. so beautiful only a flawless saphire comes close. i love you pinkie. im dieing to know weather or not you feel the same. so please tell me. do you like me?" pinkie puts the letter down and gets up from her chair. fluttershy was sitting there waiting for an awnser. pinkie walked over to fluttershy causing her to squeek and back up as pinkie got closer. pinkie got closer and closer causeing fluttershy to back up more and more untill her back was against the window. as pinkie got close again she shit her eyes and waited for rejection. then her heart stoped raceing, her fear left her be, and her body felt a warmth wash over her. she opened her eyes and she saw why she felt so calm. pinkie was kissing her. pinkie pilled back and with tears of joy in her eyes she smiled at fluttershy and fluttershy sat there stuned and motionless unable to move. then pinkie hugged and lifted up fluttershy and fluttershy broke her paralasis and huged pinkie back they broke away and smiled at each other. "oh i forgot to thank you fluttershy this necklass it beautiful." pinkie puts it on "how do i look?" pinkie asks. "beautiful." fluttershy anwsers.

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