Chapter 1

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                                                                              Written by: Angelica and Brianna

Bella's P.O.V.

It was 3 am in the morning when i was scrolling through my twitter when a notification appears and when i  click on it Cameron Dallas name appeared. "Jaycee get your lazy ass in here" i scram while running to her room not bothering to knock on her door "guess what guess what" i yelled "what the f***do you want at 3 am in the frickin morning "Jaycee said "i just got a follow from Cameron Dallas"at that Jaycee jump out of  bed "and i asked Cam to ask  Brent to follow us check your notifications now" and she did as she was told which she squealed when she saw that Brent and cam where now following us"o.m.g do you know what this mean we can d.m them now" Jaycee said as she danced around her room " okay i get it can you shut up now lets wait till morning to d.m so we can let them rest okay, goodnight" i say walking out to my room to sleep 

in the morning around 8 am i woke up to look through my twitter and decided to d.m cam 

C- cam B-bella 

B- hey Cameron it Bella thanks so much for the follow 

C- hey Bella its no problem, i thought you where beautiful from all the photos you post 

B- aww thanks cam that means so much to me. 

C-no problem so where coming to San Diego for Magcon and i was hoping to see you there.

B-ya i was hoping to go to but like we cant get tickets because they soled out:(

C- if you want i can pick you and your friend up so you can just come with us 

B- o.m.g yes i would love that thank you so much it means alot 

C-it's no problem i really want to meet you so till then i got to go 

B- ok talk to you later 

after chatting with cam for awhile i decided to go make breakfast for me and Jaycee after making pancakes,eggs,and bacon for us i go to wake up Jaycee in her room 

Jaycees's P.O.V.

Bella attempted to wake me up but I just rolled over,away from her. "I made food!" She tempted me. 'FOOOOOOOD!!!" I yelled. I ran downstairs and grabbed a plate and ate. Bella had her phone, recording me. " Here we see a wild Jaycee in her natural habitat" She said. "....shut up... don't" I said a mouth full of food. 

After breakfast Bella told me to sit down because she needed to talk to me. "What did i do this time.... did you find that glue I put in your conditioner?" I asked. " NO! I'M SO GLAD I HAVEN'T SHOWERED THIS MORNING!" She yelled at me. " Anyway, You know how I got followed by Cameron Dallas? Well.... we talked and he asked me if we were going to Magcon. I said no, so he said he would let us in for free, you can meet Brent and he will pick us up here!!!" She sqealed. " AWESOME!... when though?" I asked. " I don't know... Lemme D.M. him and ask him.

C= Cameron


B-Hey sorry to bother you but when are you coming?

C-1 week before Magcon... which starts on July 28 sooooo on the 21 of July

B- okay, ttyl


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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