marriage made in hell- sold to a vampire

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Prequel to supernatural arranged marriage :-)


The whole auditorium fell silent. The spotlight focused on me, and the first few notes of my aria began. I opened my mouth, and the sweetest hypnotic noise flew out entwining with the piano notes to create a beautiful melody. The audience was mesmerized, as well as the back stage cast, who closed their eyes just to block out the entire world and focus on my sweet voice. I see my mother and father in the front row, smiling up at me proudly, along with my younger siblings. As the song finishes, there is a moment of silent awe, then upstanding round of applause, and a shower of roses. I curtsy to my audience, as they shout and beg for more. Serenely I smile back at them, and then make my exit. My music teacher runs up to me, tears are welling up in her eyes. "You sang so wonderfully Sasha. I'm so proud!" she said hugging me. I hug her back, and we both jump up and down. The whole night was a success. A complete sell out. Every one was so pleased and happy, because of the money we raised. Finally we could afford decent music equipment and books for our music department at my high school. I head down to my dressing room, where a smart looking business man stands in my room. My music teacher comes rushing past me, and introduces the man as a talent scout. "You were brilliant Sasha, you have the voice of an angel. I want to make you into a star." He tells me. My music teacher grins at me- I knew what she was thinking, finally the break she had always wanted for me, a chance to hit the big top in the music world. It was her dream and mine, but I was forced to accept a different dream. "I'm sorry sir, I would love to, but my family already have plans for me." I tell him bitterly. The man laughs, and offers to speak to my parents. He must have thought I was the daughter of some hick family, who didn't believe their daughter capable of singing. My teacher looked at me stunned. Both could not understand why I had chosen to, turn down this chance. I quickly make my excuses and leave. The limousine is waiting in the car park to pick me up. The door is held opened for me, and I climb in. My parents both congratulate me on my performance, as well as my sisters and brother. I thank them, and we sit in silence for the rest of the journey. As soon as we reach home, the nanny comes out to take my younger siblings back up to the nursery. My parents and I continue into the foyer of the house, and my father calls me into his study. Finally I would find out what was planned for me. So many years I had watched my older sisters, disappear, one by one always around their seventeenth birthday. I had always thought they had been sent way to finishing school, or an elite boarding school, but I grew suspicious as no one ever came home, not even for the holidays. I enter my father's study take a seat in a large leather chair opposite his desk. He sits down then pulls out a piece of paper, and hands it to me. "What is it?" I ask looking at my name and the other name on the contract. "It a contract, that binds you to marry that man." He tells me. I look at the piece of paper in disbelief; apparently I was to marry a Count Alexios of somewhere or other. I hand the paper back to my father, saying, "No thank you Daddy, I don't think so." My father shakes his head stubbornly. "Sasha, this is been planned for a long time now- you were hand picked to be his wife." He tells me proudly. "That doesn't make me feel better, Daddy. I don't want to get married I'm seventeen." I say to him. He just shrugs and replies, "So were your sisters." "Why?" I ask outraged that me and my sisters had to be subjected something so medieval. "Because my dear, you are not normal." He tells me flatly. This I cannot reply to, for I know it be true. I nod accepting my fate. "Tomorrow you fly to Europe, and there you will be married." He dictates.


After a long flight, I'm sat in a foreign airport staring at the floor, pretending it is more interesting then the six hundred men gawking at me from the airport bar. My father said I was not normal, and he was right. I am part siren. My mother is a siren while my father is human. Being part siren means I can sing beautifully, so beautifully that once a person is entranced by my song I have complete control over them. Could you even begin to imagine how a record company could exploit this? That is why I can never become famous, nor any other siren- it is impossible. But I also have the lucky siren gene that makes me very pretty. I have the physique of cheerleader, blonde, blue eyes, petite. Which is fun if you like being a living Barbie doll. I sit alone in the corner of the airport waiting for my fiancé to arrive. Several men offer to buy me drinks but I say no, telling them I'm underage and my big brother is coming to get me any minute. "Excuse me Miss?" An old voice croaks. I stare up at an old man, dressed like chauffeur. "I'm his graces chauffeur Ketwick. I have come to collect you to take you to his graces home." He takes my bags and leads me to the limousine. I climb in and close my eyes. By the time I wake up, Ketwick is leaning in, nudging me. "We have arrived Miss." he tells me. I step out the car and stare up at the massive palace. It was truly breathtaking. Something out of period drama. It reminded me of a much smaller Versailles. I loved France. Not only did it have awesome, over priced fashion, but they knew how to make a cake.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2010 ⏰

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