Wake me up when September ends

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"Jamie wake up, don't wanna be late for your first day of school!" my mother shouts up the stairs, rudely interrupting my slumber.

I roll over and look at my alarm clock, 6:46 am. I groaned as I then tumbled out of bed and made the journey to the bathroom. Honestly jet lag is killing me, my mother, my older brother, and myself had just moved from the beautiful city of LA to the very Australian city of Sydney. Leaving everything I had come to know was hard enough, and the damn jet lag is just making it about 10x harder to adjust.

I took a quick shower, applied some light makeup, and just threw on a black t-shirt and a pair of joggers. I yawned as I nearly fell down the stairs, I'm not the most coordinated human being.

"Good morning." I yawn, making my way into the kitchen.

"Morning dork." My older brother, Andy said before taking a massive bite of cereal. Andy was the best, he was always the one that could make light out of a dark situation and everyone loved him for that. He was always so optimistic, and is incredibly inspiring.

I just smiled as I opened up my yogurt cup, letting out yet another yawn.

"Jet lag kicking your ass too?" Andy laughed, referring to the lions roar of a yawn that just escaped my mouth.

"You have no idea." I laughed with him, taking a few bites from my cup of yogurt.

"Kids get in the car we're gonna be late." my mom panicked, grabbing the car keys and swinging the garage door open. Andy and I both grabbed our bags and ran out to meet our mother in the car.


We pulled into the school parking lot and suddenly a wave of anxiety crashed down on me. I don't know anybody, what if I won't make friends? I left everything and everyone... what if things don't work out? I shook those thoughts aside. I'll be fine.

"Do you want me to walk you to your first period?" Andy inquired, giving me a half smile.

"Nah, I'll be okay. Thank you though." I smiled and giving him a big hug, "I'll see you after school goofball." Andy said before pulling away and venturing off to his classes.

I let out a loud sigh and then made my way to the East side of the building, being that my first class was Math. Yay.

Room 401 Calculus - Mrs.Hemmings

I have always been a year ahead of my class when it came to math, I honestly don't even know how, I hated everything about math yet it's one of my best subjects.

I opened the door to the class and almost immediately everybody's eyes were on me.

"Hello, how can I help you?" said a woman with blonde hair and most likely in her late 30's.

"Uh, hi. I'm Jamie I just transferred from Sana Monica High School..this is calculus right?" I just kinda awkwardly stood in the door way, praying that this was the right room.

"Oh yes, this is Jamie everyone the transfer from the LA area." Mrs.Hemming's announced to the class gesturing to me. I waved awkwardly.

"I'm gonna have you sit in-between Ashton and Ryan." Mrs.Hemming's gestured over to a open spot in between a tall brunette guy and a tall blonde boy with strangely large hands.

After I had taken my seat Mrs.Hemmings went back to talking about something important I don't really know, I was too busy trying to stay awake the entire time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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