17// Friend zoned

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Sodapop Curtis posted a status and a picture.

Sodapop Curtis: remember these days;)) I want you back baby pls come home

Steve Randle: dude you know she doesn't have Facebook right?

Johnny Cade and 451 others liked this comment.

Dallas Winston: yeah Florida doesn't have Facebook sorry man

Ponyboy Curtis: dally they have Facebook in Florida

Dallas Winston: then Sandy has Facebook. Steve why'd you lie?

Darry Curtis and Ponyboy Curtis liked this comment.

Steve Randle: not everyone has to have Facebook dally

Darry Curtis: oh dal you'll never grasp the concepts of real life

Sodapop Curtis: but I want her back:'(

Johnny Cade: Darrell Curtis why are you talking like that I thought we made it clear it doesn't help with our greaser reputation

Ponyboy Curtis: ^ anyone on Facebook can read this convo

Darry Curtis: I'm sowwy :'(

Two-Bit Matthews: Darry stop!😂

Sodapop Curtis: i miss my sandy grandy

Johnny Cade: ew wtf and you know she cheated on u right?

Steve Randle, Dallas Winston and Johnny Cade liked this comment.

Sodapop Curtis: I know but I want her back in my life

Sandy: Sodapop I'm sorry but you are just...

Sodapop Curtis: too handsome;)

Sandy: a friend...

Dallas Winston: rejected reject yah you just got rejected

Ponyboy Curtis: R E

Johnny Cade: J E

Two-Bit Matthews: C T E D

Steve Randle: Rejected!

169 people liked this comment.

Sandy: I had a child too lol and it's not yours it's someone else's don't be mad thx

Sodapop Curtis: I will never forget this sandy. when you com crying back into my strong beautiful arms I'm gonna remember this and push you into a puddle

Darry Curtis: wow soda you really have this planned out

Johnny Cade: ^

Ponyboy Curtis: drop it soda you aren't gonna get her back

Sodapop Curtis: don't underestimate the power of my handsomeness

Two-Bit Matthews: you've been vain since you were a child

Dallas Winston: hey the handsome one in the group is me lets be honest now

Johnny Cade and Ponyboy Curtis liked this comment.

Steve Randle: nah it's me

Ponyboy Curtis: AHAHA

Johnny Cade: OMF

Dallas Winston liked this comment.

Darry Curtis: phew:')

Dallas Winston: okay you just ruined the moment

Two-Bit Matthews: Steve? Being the handsome one in the group? lol

Steve Randle: what? aren't I handsome?

Sandy: nah..

Ponyboy Curtis: no one asked for your opinion Sandy

Sodapop Curtis liked this comment.

Johnny Cade: gtfo sandy

Dallas Winston: say what you want to say soda you know your handsomeness won't help

Sodapop Curtis: sandy...

Two-Bit Matthews: say it!!

Sodapop Curtis: Sandy... don't leave me here


Steve Randle, Johnny Cade, Darry Curtis and 11 others liked this comment.

Darry Curtis: c'mon soda

Sodapop Curtis: I can't help it. I love Sandy

Sandy: I'm in love with someone else lol sorry

Dallas Winston: soda is just an innocent boy who can't understand his girl is gone

Sodapop Curtis: bye guys I'm gonna go cry in a corner and eat some cake

Steve Randle: better not be my cake

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