Who is he?

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Who is he? No one seems to know who this guy is I mean yes there's loads of people at this party who probably don't know each other but its like he's just sort of turned up. No one has spoken to him and he hasn't even attempted to speak to anyone else in the room apart from the bar tender. All he's doing is just looking around at people and doing one of those half hearted smiles..it's starting to get uncomfortable.

Ah crap, he noticed me looking at him, quick what do I do? I kept telling myself to look away, walk off just do something! Why aren't my feet moving? It's like his eyes are controlling me, he's got one of those looks that give you goosebumps! Just when I thought he was about to look away he stands up, looks round and starts walking towards me. What do I do? I haven't got a clue who this guy is, but still my feet refuse to move! He could be a murderer for all I know yet I refuse to move, nice one!

Is that a..a smile? Why is he smiling at me, what have I done? Okai now I'm starting to panic! He's getting closer, oh wow he's cute! But not like a dorky cute more like a hot kinda cute ya know? Right okai he's standing in front of me and now my feet wanna move, brilliant timing..not! I started to walk away but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back, he was very gentle about it which kind of surprised me, I'm not saying I was expecting him to yank me back but I didn't expect him to be so gentle about it. He asked where I was going. What the hell do I say? I mean I don't want him following me anything could happen. "I was moving out the way, I thought you wanted to get pass that's all" I don't think he believed me, he asked me politely to follow him outside to the garden. With him still having his hand softly on mine, I nodded and followed him as he asked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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