Chapter Sixteen

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The Chauffeur stepped out and opened Sarah’s door. Sarah hesitated before stepping out onto the tarmac. Men in suites lined the stairs going up to the jet. Two men on either side of the steps. As Sarah stepped out they bowed their heads towards the floor. Beatrix stepped out of the car seconds after Sarah. Forgetting her bag Beatrix picked Sarah’s bag up and passed it to her from the car. Beatrix stepped over and hugged Sarah.

“You know what you need to do Princess.” Beatrix whispered into Sarah’s ear.

“ I hope you rot in hell Beatrix.” Sarah said after she kissed Beatrix’s hand. The security guards were watching every movement. In a swift movement Sarah thrust her hand into her handbag and pulled out a gun. The gun felt natural in her hands. Before the guards could respond, bullets were making their way to the guard’s legs.

Beatrix through herself to the ground as Sarah aimed and shot her guards. When Sarah aimed the last shot at the Chauffeur, he dropped like a sack of potatoes, before the bullet had left the barrel of the gun. Sarah through the gun onto the floor and clasped Beatrix’s hand, Beatrix scrambled to her feet before standing stable. Sarah got the Range Rover keys from her handbag that Beatrix had placed in there along side the gun.

Sarah ran with Beatrix as she was being dragged behind her, to the waiting car. In the Window Sarah saw Lucas’s face appear from the backseat. He opened the door and jumped out. Lucas taking his Queens hand as Sarah scrambled placing the key into the slot. The guards were laying there in a pool of their own blood. Lucas pushed his Queen into the backseat of the Range Rover and at that second Sarah started the car and put it into gear. Lucas had only 5 seconds to jump into the backseat directly on top of  Beatrix, he Queen.

Sarah stepped her foot on the gas before Lucas even had the chance to shut the backseat door behind him. With his legs still dangling out through the open door Sarah still continued to speed up. Lucas pulled himself off Beatrix and managed to shut the door this time. Beatrix looked up at Lucas before bursting into laughter.

“ Oh my boy that was good.” Beatrix before kissing him on the cheek, she tried to pull herself up but couldn’t, thus depended on Lucas to be the hero and help her.“ Sarah I have to say that you did amazing.”

“Beatrix what is all this about?  What happened? Whats happening?” Sarah asked as she turned right onto the main road.

 Beatrix pulled herself up to sit on the leather seat properly. “ Its all El Douche. He is the one who is controlling your grandmother.” Beatrix said desperately. “Do you think that your grandmother would really say what she said to you? She loves you most of all..” Beatrix managed to say before she was swung to the right side of the car as Sarah sped around a corner.

“ What dose the bastard want?”

“ What do you think? What has he always wanted? He hates your grandmother for taking the throne away from him. I don’t think he would stop until he gets what he wants.”

“ Why is my grandmother doing what he wants?” Sarah asked as she turned yet anther corner.

“Didn’t you hear what your mother said to Mikolina at that meeting? About Mikolina’s affairs? That would destroy her for her people to know, she wouldn’t be able to leave her palace.She would never hold her head up high again ”

Sarah could hear police cars in the background. The sun was still high in the sky. Sarah didn’t know what she should do? She had basically kidnapped the Queen of the Netherlands. Sarah looked in the rear view mirror and saw the police behind them. Their red and blue light’s flashing wildly. Their smart cars were gaining hard on the Range Rover.

“ What about my mother?”

Beatrix looked confused. “What about her?”

“ This is my mother. She believes in Royal to Royal blood marriages for me. For her it was different and all the crap she makes up.”

Beatrix understood now. “ Sarah your mother couldn’t care who you marry. You need to marry before your 23rdbirthday. Anne couldn’t care less who u marry. You need to marry and take your crown. That is the most important thing right now. You need th throne. You need to take the throne before El Douche dose, because if you don’t he will be the next king of Italy.”

“ So why didn’t my grandmother just give it to me there and then?” Sarah asked starting to get confused.

“ Because if that happens El Douche will expose her. She is a puppet at the moment, She cannot do anything. He is already in control, the only thing you can do is marry. Once you marry Mikolina can step down and you automatically become Queen and Prince Consort because you are next in line. Once that happens he has no hold over the country, throne or your family.”

“ So what do we do now then? Me and Lucas just get married. Then that’s it?” Sarah asked with hope, but thinks are not that simple.

Beatrix looked doubtful. “ There are problems.” Beatrix played with her thumbs. “ Lucas has to read out the Italian Constitution at the wedding.”

Sarah sat up looking happy again. If it was that simple then that’s fine, Sarah knew it off by heart. She had to read it out in front of parliament when she became Crown Princess of Italy. “ SHIT” Sarah shouted out.

“ It has to be in…” Sarah started to say.

“ Italian.” Beatrix finished for her. “ Yes Lucas has to do it in perfect Italian in front of the member of parliament at your OFFICIAL wedding.” Beatrix looked at Sarah. “ What you mean me and Lucas cant have a private wedding???”

Beatrix looked stressed. “ No you cant. It has to be OFFICIAL and in Italy. All members of parliament have to be present and at least six European royal families present, but what I am thinking that is imposable.”

Sarah her fingers through her hair. “ How the fuck am I going to get into Italy with El Douche there, and everybody else? I have just abdicated my crown. How in the fuck am I going to be allowed in Italy again? My grandmother would have me banned from Italy from under that bastards command.”

Sarah’s iPhone started to ring and the name made Sarah’s blood boil. Below a contact picture of cow the callers name came up. “ Princess Sophia El Douche.” Was calling her,

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