Chapter 1~ My Relatives

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Anger. That's what I felt right now.

Anger, because despite the fact that I had just came back from a two week summer camp and I missed my own bed and my own family, my mother thought it'd be more convenient to have my Uncle and Aunt come pick me up from camp and spend the night with them until she picked me up in the morning.

It made sense though. They lived only two exits away from the college campus I was staying at.

Still, I wanted to go home. I didn't want to sleep in the danky old house of my relatives.

Yes, I said danky. No other word could describe the smelly, wood rotting house of my Aunt Reina and Uncle Mark. Since as early as the age of five I remember the House looking the same, as well as my Aunt and Uncle do; and that was old.

Aunt Reina and Uncle Mark were in their late fifties by now. No animals and no children. They used to have pets but as it seems, the two couldn't take care of any other living beings but themselves. Quite alarming that now they had to take care of me.

Uncle Mark is the one that picked me up. Aunt Reina was at the danky house making lunch. The car ride dragged on as Uncle Mark got through all the small talk.

"How's school? Oh that's right, you're out of school it's summer. That's always fun right?" He said.

"Yes. Of course as soon as school ended Mom and Dad sent me to camp. Guess they're so eager to get rid of me." I joked. That earned me a hearty laugh from him. In fact he laughed for a good minute straight.

Funny...I didn't think I was that hilarious.

"So how was camp? Did you make me a lanyard?" He asked as he tightened his grip on the wheel and quickly flashed a smile to me in the car's rear view mirror.

"Uh...well it wasn't that kind of camp. It was more of-"

"I'm just messing with you Emily!" He chortled. "It was a leadership camp. I read all about it on your mom' posts. She really likes to brag about her little scholar."

A small uncomfortable noise escaped my mouth. I was trying to laugh to be polite but I think I sounded more like I was humming.

"Yeah your Mom really does love to talk about you. So you're starting your junior year, huh? That's exciting."

That conversation died there and then Uncle Mark started to tell me about how he hated the mountains where they lived and he thinks he'll move to a more coastal part of California next to my family.

When we finally made it to the front of his house I was dying to get out of the car and to escape into my own seclusion.

It's not that I hated people or talking to them, it's just that I had just spent two weeks in an interactive camp that made me do just that the entire time all the while having 5 to 6 hours of sleep per day. I was maxed out on politeness, and I was overdue on rest.

Walking into the house I crossed my fingers that I'd make it until tomorrow. When I walked in something warm ran into my legs.

I fell backwards in surprise and looked to see it was my dog, Louie.

"Louie! Hi baby! What are you doing here?!" I exclaimed, as I looked up at my Aunt and Uncle with, this time, a real smile. I picked up the Yorkshire Terrier and held him close to my heart as I stood up and walked over to my relatives.

"We thought it'd be nice if you had some familiarity tonight. God knows you must be homesick. We picked him up from your house a few days ago so he could surprise you." Aunt Reina said.

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