Chapter 9

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LaLa's Grandparent Ella and Curtis Played by Cassi Davis and LaVan Davis in MM


The doctors was prepping for an emergency surgery for the girls. Everything was moving in slow motion. As the surgeons trying to get the bullets out as fast and safe as possible. Sha's surgery is going well. Sha needed to survive and that what happened. She made it out and now resting.

LaLa is still in surgery. As they are getting the bullet out her heart rate was steadily going down. The surgeons was able to get all the bullets out safely. As they was closing her wounds up. The heart monitor started to go crazy. LaLa's heart rate started to speed up.

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep BEEEEEEPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!

"We are losing her.", said the doctor. next thing you know the machine flat lined. "Somebody go get me the defibrillator now.", the doctor said.


"1 2 3 Clear"


"1 2 3 Clear"

Nothing again

"One last time"

"1 2 3 Clear"

Third times the charm. The doctors was able to get her heart rate going until they finished patching her up.

(LaLa POV)

I wanted to wake up, but I couldn't. All I saw was pitch black. I heard voices, I just can't make who it was. I decided while here I should get some sleep.


"Where Am I."

I started to walk around. It's like I've been here before, I just can't my finger on it. Oh well. As I continued to walking, I passed this park with a lady which seems to be in her early twenties playing with what seems to be her children. The children was so adorable. I would want my children to look like that.

"Cairo, Pharaoh, Egypt, and Malawi," said the mysterious lady. That is so weird I wanted to name my children the same names.

Maybe we just have the same taste in names.

Next thing I know I'm in a new place. It looks like my nana and papa's house. Most of the time when I was baby, my mom was being a hoe and not a mother and my dad working to provide for his "family" I stayed at with them. It looked like my nana was going to my old room. I followed behind her to see whats going on.

When she got over to my little princess bed and kneel by it. She rubbing my shoulder up and down to wake me up.  Little me woke up. Next thing I know I see tears coming down her eyes. As she wiped them she started to say something.

"What's wong nana."

"Come here sweetcakes, I need to tell you something."

I always liked the nickname my grandparents and dad gave me. I made my onto nana's lap.

"Baby girl I want to let you know that you will always be loved no matter who or what people may think or say. I can already tell your life is gonna be filled with disappointments, hurt, sadness, and pain. It will be caused by the people you love and trust the most. When life gets you down look up to God because when everybody fails you and let you down, God will always be there. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Trust in God. I will not be here all the time and neither your papa, but we will be here in spirit."

"Nana I don't want you to go." As tears rolled down the mini me.

"Dry your tears baby girl. I can't be here forever. Baby, I wish I could be here and watch you blossom into a beautiful young lady, but God did not set us up to live forever. When it's time for my maker to call me home, I have to go. Always remember sweetcakes you are beautiful inside and out. There are some girls that are beautiful on the outside but is so ugly on the inside. Keep your head and stay strong, even if all hope is lost and you feel you won't make it. Show respect, love, and forgiveness even if the person treated you wrong. It will get you a longs way and that will make people say something is different about you. It will make people flock to you and your enemies make peace with you. Keep your temper in check and be swift to hear and slow to speak. "

My papa was always being nosy and decided to add his two cents.

"And stay away from these nappy-headed looking  like Kunta Kinta boys and keep your legs close because we don't want lil kunta kinta mini mes crawling around here."

"And we don't want to end up like your hoe of a mother either."

"Curtis Richard Payne watch your mouth around this girl."

"Woman what did I tell you about saying my government name out in the open like that. You know 5'o still looking for me and I can say what I want to say in my house. I pain the bills around here."

"But Curtis I'm the one who cooks for you and give some attention if you know what I mean. Now try me, I'll cut you off for three months or more and you will be eating a ramon noodles for a longtime. Try me Curtis try me today. I want you to"

"I so swowwy. Girl you know I'm playing.

"MMHMM...Now lets go and fixes dinner. Come on papi and sweetcakes."


"Okay mami."

As I watched them leave the room I started to cry. I remember that conversation like it was yesterday. That was one of the last heart to heart conversation I had with my grandparents. They died the next day from a mysterious fire. I was sad that I lost the people that cared about me the most, but I glad and thankful God chose to spare my life and give me a chance to experience life. I'm glad I dreamed this because I need a reminder of that speech. I totally forgot about it.

Pitch black started to take over me and everything started to fade away.


Hey guys,

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I loved writing this one. It gives you a little background of LaLa's growing up, but this has not touch the surface of her life though. Don't forget to vote and comment. I greatly appreciate it.

Love Megan

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